[Indent]Hey guys![/indent] [indent][indent]Squeezing this update in before I go sleep. Currently, I had like two exams coming up and a research paper that I'm currently revising. And my time management skills have never been too great, so I'm just a little stretched thin at the moment. So pardon my silence at the moment. Everything is looking great though! Anyway onto some maintenance things. As people slowly began to start finishing their CSs and post em here or PM them to me, that's cool. But mostly because I don't have the time to really properly look at them, I'm not gonna be able to really look at them till Sunday when the deadline hits. So don't expect any real comments or suggestions from me in terms of feedback. That and I don't know; then it feels like I'm rewarding those who had time to get shit done quickly and punishing those who might not be able to get anything up until right before the deadline, and won't have time for some additional commentary. Just feels like iffy with me or whatever. Specially since it looks like I'm not gonna be able to take on everybody for the ride. That being said if you need any like lore questions answered or something like really pressing in terms of maybe like a crazy concept for a character that your not sure would or not. Feel free to blast me a PM or post the questions here and I'll manage to squeeze something in. I have my laptop with my most of the day, So I can do like short reply bursts like this and answer questions, but not much till my schedule calms back down next week. And just to give you time check it is 1:42 in the AM Here on the East Coast of Canada which makes it Thursday. Which means you folks have a little under three days left to get those sheets up and running. Best of luck to you all and may the wind catch your creative sails. Peace out, my dudes. [/indent][/indent]