Rhaak wrapped his mouth with a cloth as the dust billowed, for the ancient air was already stuffy from centuries of little to not filter. He and Amira made it out of the falling stone alive, with Ma'kum holding the Khopesh menacingly only to have it lower to the floor as he gaped at the scene that now unfolded before them. For at the end of the hall was not a dark dead end, but a drop. An entrance to a stone stairway that led to a gaping, vast cavern. At the entrance, there was a small causeway. Thick enough for a mouse to slide down, and to Rhaak's amazement, he smelled oil within it. At Amira's order, he placed the torch upon it and a fire flared brilliantly, racing down and illuminating the vast cavern to reveal mounds of sand, with Wadjet statues of sheer gold standing guard. They were made of pure ore from the looks of it, and held no dangers other than perhaps a ceremonial gaudiness. Upon each of their brows were diamonds the size of Rhaak's fist, sparking enchantingly in the firelight. At the end of the cavern looked to be another drop with no discernible end to its depth, though neither Rhaak or Amira had deigned to look as of yet. Below the stone stairs was a depression in the ground, and to the mounting fear of the group, it looked to be an entire river of black adders. The hisses were even audible as high as they. The archway they stood at was framed by two statues of bronze, in the likeness of a man and a cloaked woman with 4 arms each. "By Allah, what is this place?" "The tomb of a witch!" Ma'kum cried, and Rhaak spun as the bandit had seemingly regained his wits and lunged at the Sorceress. Rhaak moved on instinct, blocking the Khopesh by his forearm and gripping Ma'kum's shirt, sending him sailing end over end to hit the stairs and roll down it hard, cursing with each bounce until he made it upon the dirt floor of the cavern, groaning. Rhaak picked up the Khopesh as Ma'kum groggily came to his feet. As he dusted himself off, the mounds of sand behind him began to shift ominously. "I have been through raids and tombs, and now a sorceress and her thrall is all I have for company!?" He asked himself. Rhaak blinked, and even the hardened fighter was aghast as one of the mounds uncoiled to reveal itself as a truly enormous snake, its eyes fixed on Ma'kum. The sand slid off of its body like trickling rain. [@Penny]