Roxas waited patiently in his chair, gun in hand and ready to fire at anything that walked through that door. The headache he had after waking up was getting worse and there was no guarantee that he was going to be able to stay up much longer. This was the worst he felt in a long time. Normally the pain he felt after prolonged use of Ifrit's power wasn't so bad. Must have been to much for him this time. It didn't matter. Someone was approaching the door very slowly and it was almost agonizing having to wait and see who it was. Roxas gripped the gun to where his knuckles were turning white. In that second of pure heart pounding stress, the door slowly opened and in walked the scariest thing Roxes never thought he'd see again. Covered from head to toe, you couldn't see an inch of skin. A pointed hat with a long pointed mask covering the face. Clothes as black as night and cloak made of what looked like crow feathers. [url=]"Eileen the Crow."[/url] Roxas shot the gun as fast as he could, only able to get off one shot which seemed to pass right through the woman. He fell out of his chair and hit his head against the ground almost blacking out, but forcing himself to stay awake. This woman wasn't getting him. Not again. [color=f7941d]"I see you've lost your edge Roxas. I'm a little disappointed in you. I thought we had something."[/color] Even through the mask she had, her voice was as clear as it could be. She sounded like a siren with the way she spoke. Able to slay any man with a single word. Eileen walked over to him and giggled to herself as she kneeled down by him. Unable to move, Roxas just layed there, waiting to see what was going to happen. [color=0054a6]"How are you here. I thought I killed you seven years ago. If I failed in doing so, why come for me now? What do you want from me."[/color] Eileen only laughed then put his head in her lap, stroking his hair with one hand and taking his hand in the other. There was no way he could get out of this right now, he couldn't move an inch. All he could do was think about Ophelia and wish she was there right now. She may not be able to stand a chance against Eileen, but she would be able to help him get out of there and to a safer place. [color=f7941d]"Oh my love, you know you couldn't kill me. We were meant to be together through fate has brought be here to you. I have looked for you for so long and now I have finaly found you."[/color] Roxas grimaced, his stomach acting up again. As painful and probably fatal as it would have been, Roxas wished that his mask was on him. At least he could try to get away with that. [color=0054a6]"I told you then and I'll tell you know, I am not interested in someone as evil as you. I will never love you and I will never let you use me again!"[/color] He yelled but that only made her giggle more. She lifted her mask only slightly so you could see her lips. They were red like blood and smiling. She rain her fingers through his hair again then leaned down and kissed him softly on the lips. [color=f7941d]"Just you wait. Nothing will keep us apart. No matter where you go I will find you and you will be mine. We will take over this world together. Starting with the SPA. Until then I will leave you for now. I will return so next time be a little more.. living."[/color] She smiled again then moved the mask back down covering her mouth. After, she laid him softly onto the ground and walked out of the room. Roxas' mind was racing trying to figure out what had just happened. He had to tell the others and especially Ophelia. If Eileen found out that he and Ophelia were together, she would stop at nothing until Ophelia was dead. This scared the crap out of him and he almost began to cry out of fear. He was shaking violently now due to all the pent up stress from that encounter. Eileen was the most evil and psychotic woman he had ever met. She tried to use him once before for his power and now has returned to do it again. Seven years ago he thought he had killed her, but it doesn't seem to be that way. Why was she here now though? It just didn't make sense to him at all. Why wait seven years to find him. It's not like he moved all over the place to try to get away from her. As much as he wanted to ask questions, none of them would be answered now. He had to get to the others and tell them what happened. Their lives were now in more danger than they could imagine and he wasn't losing another team. Not again. Roxas' eye's shot open and he was in his bed once again.