I'm potentially interested in this but I'd honestly like a lot more information and a lot of things clarified. [quote=@Rai] Spells: 2 Exp per spell. Abilities/Powers: 2 Exp per ability. Weapons: Only 2 free basic weapons. High quality weapons cost 1 exp each. Enchanted weapons cost 2 exp each. Exp: 10 All Abilities and spells must match your bloodline affinity. [/quote] Is there a set list of spells we are supposed to be pulling from? You mentioned D&D so do we just take spells from there? What kind of abilities/powers are you expected and how are they different from spells or the bloodline abilities? Can we have both abilities and spells? With weapons I am going to assume that basic, high quality and enchanted are similar to the D&D concept of masterwork and enchanted weapons. Again, I think we need clarification on what kind of enchantments are allowed. A number of the Bloodline powers need clarification. What does "Hot blood" actually do? "Portal jumping" and "Ghost vision"? Soul manipulation"? I can make guesses for these but I assume you have an idea of how you want these to work? I'm also wondering how certain Bloodline's will interact; if I take a mixed Seraphim/Oro character how does the "Air walking" work with my character increased weight? Does it work or will my character be too heavy?