[center][b][i]"For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every evil practice." -James 3:16[/i][/b] ----------------------[/center] [i]"The drums of war never cease. For Arcadia always lies in great peril. How could it not? Arcadia is a crucible of relentless conflict. It has ever been so... An era as long as the mountains are unyielding." As great powers battle for the continent's fate, I make my own humble contribution. A neutral witness in a formal but tense meeting between representatives of the League of Arcadia and representatives of the Dwarven Kingdoms in Dragonrage Pass, a stretch of land created by rage-filled dragons. Or so as the myths say."[/i] --- ~[@Eisenhorn] [@Polaris North] [@Apollosarcher] [@Plumbum] [@Lugubrious] [@Rice Porridge]~ If one were to observe the entire pass under the night sky, one would find camps and fires as far as the eye could see. However, not all of them are on the same side. They are allies though, a relationship created when the goddess Gaia laid waste to Arcadia. While the soldiers of both sides are either friendly or indifferent to each other, there was... uneasiness in the camp where representatives of both armies met. But the politics was not the soldiers' concern yet and so the soldiers mostly did nothing but lay around and waited for orders. Among the organized regiments, there was one that was... not so organized. In fact, they only formed because they could not find their assigned units. Their occupations varied but they all had one thing in common, they were weary from the search and are now in front of a unattended bonfire to rest for a bit. They likely did not know each other so the air was rife with silence and awkwardness. That is, until, a broad, burly person entered the scene. [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/labibliotecadelviejomundo/images/6/6f/Rey_kazador_el_fin_de_los_tiempos.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/389?cb=20141117214341&path-prefix=es]His face was grim and serious[/url]. Flanking him were two shorter but equally broad people who were fully-armored. It would not take long for those present that the newcomers were Dwarves, though the middle one was pretty large for a Dwarf. "[color=steelblue]BWAHAHAHAHA![/color]" The large, middle Dwarf suddenly bellowed with laughter. "[color=steelblue]Such an awkward atmosphere here, manlings! Let me liven things up here a bit![/color]" He said before sitting before taking a seat in front of the bonfire without a care with his bodyguards remaining standing. "[color=steelblue]Right then! Why don't we start with names, first? Then as to why you are all gathered 'round here.[/color]" The boisterous Dwarf suggested. "[color=steelblue]Somethin' tells me you all aren't exactly in the same regiment.[/color]" "[color=steelblue]Prove me wrong though and this regiment will be the strangest I've ever seen since the Lot Order![/color]"