[@King Cosmos] Good questions. Still a new idea so there's room for improvement on clarifying this. [quote=@King Cosmos] Is there a set list of spells we are supposed to be pulling from? You mentioned D&D so do we just take spells from there?[/quote] You can be even more creative than that. Make up your own spell, but if you don't choose the correct bloodline certain spells will just not work. Such as summoning, this is in the school of conjuration. The only bloodline which has no conjuration abilities are Dragons. [url=https://s10.postimg.org/bu1vnekvt/26850017_1535821946499473_81920823394251209_o.jpg]I also have a skill tree[/url] [quote=@King Cosmos]What kind of abilities/powers are you expected and how are they different from spells or the bloodline abilities? Can we have both abilities and spells?[/quote] You are expected to have the abilities / powers relative to your bloodline. I'm debating whether to allow you to have all the abilities / powers the bloodline entails. Or make you choose which you want to use specifically. But overall I want your powers /abilities to match your bloodline. And the combination of bloodlines can make for a interesting power / ability not listed in the bloodlines precisely. Which I'm not sure of myself, but people tend to get creative so I'll see how it works. It may as well be that the exp put into any ability will increase its effectiveness. Allowing one to describe how much more intense their power is over others with the same trait. [quote=@King Cosmos] With weapons I am going to assume that basic, high quality and enchanted are similar to the D&D concept of masterwork and enchanted weapons. Again, I think we need clarification on what kind of enchantments are allowed.[/quote] I think that makes sense. As enchantments can be nearly anything my initial idea was that people will have enchanted items that can do one specific magical ability. I would say the amount of experience points put into the enchanted armor or weapon would dictate how powerful and effective the enchantment is.[/quote] [quote=@King Cosmos]A number of the Bloodline powers need clarification. What does "Hot blood" actually do? "Portal jumping" and "Ghost vision"? Soul manipulation"? I can make guesses for these but I assume you have an idea of how you want these to work? I'm also wondering how certain Bloodline's will interact; if I take a mixed Seraphim/Oro character how does the "Air walking" work with my character increased weight? Does it work or will my character be too heavy?[/quote] Most bloodlines are fairly straightforward in their brief description. Though not exact layouts of what can be done with them. This is done partially on purpose as not all powers are formed in the same way. But most are. For your air walking question they'd be slowed down. But still capable of walking on the air. Did I mention I'd be doing a colored commission for the winner? And likely sketches for the two runner ups. I don't mind answering the questions people have while in the process of making their combatant. It's best to be sure than guess.