Dim stood in the midst of the zombie remains. She slowly turned three-hundred and sixty degrees, scanning the horizon with her keen feline sight. The silvery light of the moon illuminated the battlefield enough for Dim to notice a tower in the distance and a faint glow near it. The cleric wondered if that light was connected to the light phenomenon that had brought her to this place. Of one thing she was certain. Undead horde notwithstanding. The Queen had not brought her here. Their interrupted conversation attested to that. [i]If not her, who then?[/i] Dim questioned no one in particular. As an afterthought she realized the tiefling was speaking to her and another female. She didn't ignore the question or the introduction out of rudeness. It was just that she had more pressing matters to attend to. A mystery had presented itself before her and Dim was compelled to unravel it. Who had brought her here? Why? Had they all arrived at the same time or not? She crouched down to take a closer look at the zombie remains. She peered at the putrid refuse with her keen investigator eyes and something seem odd to her. In all her time working for the Queen, destroying undead, investigating leads and any and all things related, she had never seen undead quite like these. These were not the undead from her world! She couldn't detect any lingering magic from them. But it seemed all the zombies had come from the same place going off on what they were wearing and such. Dim's attention was drawn back to the living as she heard the merchant looking female answer the tiefling's question. Her ears perked up and she stood slowly turning to face the others. The merchant, Anna apparently, seemed unusually cheery considering the circumstances. But that could be just a defense mechanism to deal with the stress of being surrounded by zombies. Her style of dress didn't match that of the zombies, so she could have come from a different place. Dim had noticed something else interesting about her as she'd watched the nimble Anna evade the dwarf's attempt at restraining her. There was a mark on her left arm that Dim though she recognized as a seal of nobility. [i]Well... that is very interesting.[/i] She appeared to be truthful in her answer to the devil-kin's question, but there was more to Anna the Merchant than she let on. Dim directed her gaze at the one who'd introduced herself as Mila. The tiefling. "I am Dim." She said. "Forgive my delay in introduction. I simply wanted to have a better grasp at the situation before I had anything useful to offer." Dim's penetrating blue eyes scanned everyone before her from head to toe. The tiefling, Mila, appeared frail in body, but strong in spirit and magical power. The male dwarf was stocky and powerful looking. And there was also an even more impressive looking female, who seemed like she could best a dozen seasoned warriors single-handed. There was a halfling female as well, who appeared to be another magic user. And the group was rounded up by a mechanical looking frog-thing and a unicorn. "As it stands I'm currently only sure of one thing. I was not brought here to take care of this." She gestured at the decimated zombies. "I was in communion with my patron when I was transported here and our conversation interrupted." The tabaxi finished and fell silent. She would not give any further information freely. [hider=Mechanics]Religion on light near tower = 6 Investigation on zombie remains = 24 Insight on Anna = 32[/hider]