[quote=@Penny] I think there is a serious conversation to be had about cyber capabilities and their employment. It's an obvious force multiplier that allows countries like Russia or DPRNK or Iran to punch above their weight respective to GDP. And these are toys compared to the PLA program. [b]Credible sources like breutbart aside I think we are all going to be dealing with this issue in a big way over the next few years.[/b] [/quote] My bias and the sites I like that display their narrative is different, because it agrees with my bias aside. What exactly are we talking about here? Are we discussing a robot taking over the world narrative? If we're having a serious discussion about this, we should probably start from somewhere concrete, no? Various articles discussing all sides of this... https://www.cnbc.com/2017/09/21/head-of-google-a-i-slams-fear-mongering-about-the-future-of-a-i.html https://www.recode.net/2017/7/25/16026184/mark-zuckerberg-artificial-intelligence-elon-musk-ai-argument-twitter http://www.businessinsider.com/myths-misconceptions-about-artificial-intelligence-2015-9 https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/dont-fear-the-robots/2015/04/09/e7ea1316-def3-11e4-a1b8-2ed88bc190d2_story.html?utm_term=.05b690035021 https://www.huffingtonpost.com/dorian-de-wind/cyberterrorism-a-grave_b_2867430.html https://www.cato.org/policy-report/januaryfebruary-2011/underwhelming-threat-cyberterrorism https://www.edge.org/conversation/jaron_lanier-the-myth-of-ai https://gizmodo.com/everything-you-know-about-artificial-intelligence-is-wr-1764020220 [quote=@POOHEAD189] I'm not any kind of expert but I have heard/read multiple reports that Cyber terrorism will be the next huge problem most 1st world nations will face. [/quote] Posting those things, may be useful for ones curious to read and learn themselves. ^-^ I myself posted links above discussing cyber terrorism, with seemingly less fearful opinions. [hr] [i](And before the inevitable c*nt cries to me about having about my own opinions. Which is separated from the replies mind you...[/i]) It's clear that current AI is vastly underwhelming and is nowhere near the level of a human's abilities and the current market trying to add automation into low paying jobs, like kiosks for fast food and auto-check out lanes in grocery stores. Their slow as sh*t and they don't work as intended half the time. And they also don't remove jobs, they merely swap the demand for certain jobs. Someone still needs to maintain, set them up, etc etc. I think this is a "running out of real world problems, because of how much we've advanced and improved the world" discussion.