So, I wanna throw my hat into the ring. [u][b]Underrated- Jet Set Radio Future[/b][/u] [img][/img] Holy fuck, what a game! The mechanics, the art style, the imagination, the music! Oh my god... the frickin' music! I know Future isn't the original JSR, but it's the one I played and the one I grew up with. Brilliant character design, world design and awesome sound design. You can still see it's influence today. Lucio from Overwatch for starters. And Hover: Revolt of Gamers, a nifty little indie which was heavily inspired by JSR. Why hasn't this game had a proper sequel or remake? I think the original JSR had a remake, but I much preferred the designs in Future than the original, but that's just me. Another reason I think it's underrated is everytime I bring it up with my friends that game, they always go "What?" THEY'VE NEVER HEARD OF IT!?!? WHAT!? [hr] [u][b]Overrated= Skyrim[/b][/u] [img][/img] Okay, so I'm known to have some weird opinions about beloved games by the masses. It's not only a problem with Skyrim but any open world create your own character game (Mostly Bethesda). I just can't get into it and I can't pin down the exact reason. At first I thought it might've been. "Maybe I don't like fantasy games that much." But then I played Witcher 3 and loved it. I hadn't played any elder scrolls or witchers before my first experiences with either games so it's not like it was a series thing. So what was it? Characters. Or rather, the lack of characters. I didn't have a character to empathize with or enjoy because you're just playing a slider-made souless character. You're meant to put yourself in the boots but I don't really enjoy that aspect. Geralt is sooo much more interesting, and I felt way more invested. I found in Skyrim, there wasn't a lot of charm or stand out presentation which really set itself apart from any other fantasy world, and the whole reason I'm doing shit is because "I'm the chosen one..." It's boring... so, so boring...