[h2][center]Shokuhou Misaki[/center][/h2] The young woman simply stared blankly at her 'companions' flew off after the bird-like creatures, trying to understand how [i]either[/i] of them thought that doing something so destructive was in any way a good idea. While she was also inclined to see those... [i]Things[/i] die, to do so in such a flashy manner... Wasn't that just going to defeat the purpose of her trying to stay undercover? "...I guess I'll just have to stick with this for now," she sighed, internally bemoaning her bad luck as she walked off to follow behind. Running in this situation would only cause her to get winded, and so despite the insanity of this whole situation Misaki slowly walked through the mess that was gradually escalating in scale. There didn't seem to be anyone else at the MOMENT, of course, but that likely wouldn't remain the case for long. "You do realize that you've painted a giant target on yourselves, right?" she called out after the two as the last of the corpses fell to the ground. Misaki couldn't help but scowl at the sight; mangled creatures were not something she was particularly wanted to see at all. [h2][center]Hinanawi Tenshi[/center][/h2] "...Huh?" Tenshi couldn't help but raise an eye at the enemies that had gathered to surround them. They were, in essence, a bunch of technicolor blobs with [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/senkizesshousymphogear/images/8/82/Senki_Zesshou_Symphogear_-_01_-_Large_36.jpg/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/320/height/320?cb=20120207140825]vague shapes resembling slugs or people[/url]. They didn't [i]look[/i] that intimidating; if anything, their appearances reminded her of fairies back in Gensokyo. But the fact that they didn't seem to react in the least to the warning shouted out by her peer meant that they either didn't care or couldn't understand. Which, quite honestly, only left one real solution. "Well, if it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get!" the Celestial cried out as the enemies began to throw themselves at the group. In an instant, Tenshi launched a few rocks at what was in front of her, her brow furrowing as they seemed to simply dissipate after the impact. "Eh? Seriously? Are they just really weird-looking fairies or something?" [hr] The private within the van seemed as if she wanted to stop Eva from leaving, but in the end held herself back and let the vampire go off on her own trip. To be frank, if she was in the same situation she might do the same thing. But she wasn't, and she had a job to oversee, and thus she sat there in the vehicle. Without that awful smell. [i]Especially[/i] so. "Could I please ask you to not try and kill each other right now?" she spoke into the built-in microphone, a concerned look on her face as she stared at Mordred. "There are bigger problems at hand, after all." Whenever the group decided to enter the manhole, the first thing they would find (past the smell, of course) would be that the slime that was sporadically lying about the area outside now seemed to coat everything within the sewer: the walls, the floor, and even the ladder. Of course, the slime seemed to leave a trail down one direction and not the other, judging by the complete lack of slime from the other direction. The sound of something moving, at the very least, was coming through from where the trail was leading. In other words, whatever it was that had created it was certainly still close by. [hr] There were a few moments of chatter between the soldiers in front of Inuyasha and whoever was on the other end of the line before the soldier (hesitantly) stepped forward and handed the earpiece to the half-youkai. "Bring it to your ear. My superior wants to speak with you directly," he stated flatly, waiting for him to take the object in question. [h2][center]Leonardo Watch[/center][/h2] Leo's usual screaming could be heard as he gripped onto Youmu's ghost half for dear life. The speed he was moving at was beyond anything he was used to, and it was definitely comparable to Chain's own, if not faster. She would probably get revenge on him for even thinking that, but that wasn't something to worry about for the moment. The second that he and Youmu landed, though, Leo rolled over and seemed to just lie flat on his back to let his heart stabilize for a moment. Even though he lived in Hellsalem's Lot, being dragged at that high a speed was [i]not[/i] any better for his health. A familiar voice, however, would give him more than enough reason to be happy. "...Klaus? Is it really you, Klaus?" Leo asked, taking a few moments to process the situation before scrambling to his feet and turning to face his employer. "It is! A-anyways, I haven't seen anyone else from Li—Work! Right, I haven't seen anyone else here; it's just me and Sonic right now." Of course, turning to face Klaus meant turning to look at the giant wyvern-dragon-thing blasting fire at his face. It would only be natural to try and assist him... If there weren't another two people trying to order them all around to handle the situation in the first place. Leo wasn't fazed by the number of people from what were apparently multiple different genres of various sorts, at the very least, but so long as their efforts were unified against the monsters then their origins didn't really matter in the end. As soon as Stark shot the flying wyvern in the eye, it roared in pain and immediately lost all capability of flight at that given moment. In an instant, the monster nosedived towards the ground and unceremoniously crashed into the asphalt, leaving a giant crater in its wake. It was stunned and in pain, but alive and most definitely still in fighting condition. At the very least, though, it seemed to be wounded from the blow in the first place and was now on the ground, so the attack could probably have been considered a pretty big success. As soon as Leo saw that was the case, though, he bit his lips and stepped forward. "I'm going to scramble their vision! Once they're reeling, hit them with everything you've got!" he cried out, opening his eyes and staring at the two wyverns. A pair of blue sigils immediately appeared in front of his All-Seeing Eyes of God, and two more sets soon appeared in front of those of the wyverns. It didn't take long for the one that was firing away at Klaus to stop at this sudden change of vision and begin to flail around in a desperate attempt to attack anyone who would come near. Not that it mattered to this group, of course. [@VitaVitaAR][@Raineh Daze][@Dezuel][@KoL][@Rin][@TheFake][@TheUnknowable][@Crusader Lord]