[@Eventua] Hey hi hullo! The concept is pretty cool and fits well I think! As a character concept, I think it could work -- the restriction is that the character at least be human in origin, which can easily be had here by simply saying the Inhabitants' ancestors were in fact human. Stranger things have happened (see The Witnessed Day). The army of helpers would essentially be your character's pets, since they have very limited sentience. Just because you'll be playing an unusual number of your own NPCs I'd like to ask if any of the current players have questions or concerns I might not have thought of. I also want to remain fair! Maybe you and I could share control of the Inhabitants, or limit the number onboard? Or if everyone absolutely loves the idea I'll leave it to fate, haha. [@Scrub Mage][@Vaelin150][@Girlie1Bomba][@vide]