[@Dark Light] [center]Room 17[/center] Vivi pulls back, tilting her head as she inspects the man. She grabs the bottle and turns it over, looking for some sort of label. "[i]Hmm, maybe he's just drunk, I should leave him alone then.[/i]" She turns to leave, then stops, looks back, and oozes underneath him, lifting him up and onto the bed, then pulling the cover over him before leaving. She shuts the door behind her and walks back down the hall. "[i]I suppose it's not unexpected to find someone here with the owner gone... or maybe that [b]was[/b] the owner. That'd be awkward.[/i]" she mused with amusement as she headed back down the steps. As she tip-toes down, she hears two voices, one familiar, one unknown. She ducks behind a banister of the staircase and peeks a bright white eye around toward the bar. Trying to remain hidden, albeit poorly.