[quote=@GingerBoi123] So, I wanna throw my hat into the ring. [u][b]Underrated- Jet Set Radio Future[/b][/u] [img]http://img3cdn.52toys.com/c5979e563f549b922096129dda6f38ca?imageView2/2/w/2000/h/2000/quality/95/interlace/1[/img] Holy fuck, what a game! The mechanics, the art style, the imagination, the music! Oh my god... the frickin' music! I know Future isn't the original JSR, but it's the one I played and the one I grew up with. Brilliant character design, world design and awesome sound design. You can still see it's influence today. Lucio from Overwatch for starters. And Hover: Revolt of Gamers, a nifty little indie which was heavily inspired by JSR. Why hasn't this game had a proper sequel or remake? I think the original JSR had a remake, but I much preferred the designs in Future than the original, but that's just me. Another reason I think it's underrated is everytime I bring it up with my friends that game, they always go "What?" THEY'VE NEVER HEARD OF IT!?!? WHAT!? [/quote] UNDERSTAND UNDERSTAND UNDERSTAND UNDERSTAND UNDERSTAND UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF LOVE