[center][hider=Esmeray Lionsun WIP] [url=https://fontmeme.com/halloween-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180207/7d0ce20ec589540865e865dc06720f0a.png[/img][/url] [url=https://fontmeme.com/halloween-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180207/4711b4168ba1730f9ff230784ec0ff80.png[/img][/url] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/60b280a3be04705298ae4d948b3ffc24/tumblr_ngyc16hcg11tzvo6co1_500.gif[/img] [url=https://youtu.be/RflBcm5cnkU][i]"I am flesh, bones... I am skin, soul... I am human."[/i][/url] [hr][color=AF4035][b][u]Name[/u][/b][/color] Esmeray Lionsun [color=AF4035][b][u]Age[/u][/b][/color] 21 [color=AF4035][b][u]Gender[/u][/b][/color] Female [color=AF4035][b][u]Sexual Orientation[/u][/b][/color] Heterosexual [url=https://fontmeme.com/halloween-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180208/45b015cc5336597a20d16f646b2093b3.png[/img][/url] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/272354705/original.gif[/img] [color=AF4035][b][u]Chosen Marking[/u][/b][/color] Esmeray's mark is that of full body transformation almost, her mark fully makes her look skeletal while also changing her eyes upon use of her magic. She uses a spell taught to her by the previous Chosen One of Death to hide her skeletal mark at all times, having been taught that it is ugly and horrifying by her parents. The only people who know of her mark are her brother, her parents, the previous Chosen One of Death, and the Disciples of Death. [hider=Skeletal][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-vjgtiahpF-w/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAos/ts5vHpMuCFQ/photo.jpg[/img][img]http://pm1.narvii.com/6602/ebb3ba70ef4a8cfd538efb02f2f8d58adba53860_00.jpg[/img][/hider] [url=https://fontmeme.com/halloween-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180208/45b015cc5336597a20d16f646b2093b3.png[/img][/url] [color=AF4035][b][u]Appearance[/u][/b][/color] Esmeray exudes innocence, kindness, and purity from her appearance. Barely standing 5'1", she comes across as weak and in need of protection. The only thing that contradicts her appeal of innocence is her startling bright red eyes, something one would never expect from such a girl as they seem to hold a fierceness and strength that combats the rest of her look, although if you look at the right time you can see them soft and shining bringing her appearance together once and for all. [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/a2fd/th/pre/f/2014/296/e/b/amira___shingeki_no_bahamut_genesis_fanart___by_sakuradoki-d83xk2x.jpg[/img] [hider=outfit][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/14/9f/12/149f12ed2423b5d3562edfac1d2cb6d2--anime-poses-costume-design.jpg[/img][/hider] [url=https://fontmeme.com/halloween-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180208/45b015cc5336597a20d16f646b2093b3.png[/img][/url] [color=AF4035][b][u]Familiar[/u][/b][/color] [url=https://fontmeme.com/halloween-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180208/ff1485b1071348732c31c26bece6a92c.png[/img][/url] Type - Skeletal Dragon [hider=Baby Form][img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/35/64/34/35643438db08bd623ebfb9758f7396d6.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Grown Form][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/HyNM5Y3jvgqRNCmyYKblKQsfVV8F5YRLU6nmKc1BtB8/https/i.pinimg.com/564x/d9/78/43/d978433e8a9b1d7e557ac9373635652f.jpg[/img][/hider] [url=https://fontmeme.com/halloween-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180208/45b015cc5336597a20d16f646b2093b3.png[/img][/url] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-qqMfvNcEKhU/VE_0e5NuepI/AAAAAAAAVow/lEtXQM62CNs/s1600/Shingeki%2Bno%2BBahamut%2BGenesis%2B12.gif[/img] [color=AF4035][b][u]Skills[/u][/b][/color] Decay - With a simple chant of a spell along with the placement of her hand on whatever she wishes to 'decay', said object will seem to rush forward in time as it decomposes or falls apart dependent on what it was she touched. The spell has a side effect though. For a period of time, dependent on how long and how big the area was that she used the spell on, her hand or hands will become cursed with the spell making anything she touches begin to break down which can include her own skin. So she puts on special gloves gifted to her by Thann. Spirit Connection - This can range from minor to major. Spirit Whisper(Minor) = Used along with Spirit Sight, she uses it to hear and speak with spirits Spirit Sight(Minor/Mid) = Focusing her mind's eye as well as her actual eyes, she can shift her eyes to view within the spirit plane. This also allows her to communicate with any spirits she spots. This can have consequences though, one consequence is the attraction of dark spirits that then communicate with her on their own accord until she deals with them. The other main consequence is she can only use her spirit sight for five minutes at a time before it begins to give her a headache. Spirit Walk(Mid) = Another skill that can be used with Spirit Sight and also Spirit Whisper, it allows her to walk up to 50ft to 75ft from her body within the spirit plane but she has to be careful as to not let a dark spirit enter her body while she is out of it as unlike with her Spirit Projection where she has runes of protection, there is nothing to keep her safe. Spirit Projection(Major) = Esmeray first draws five runes of protection followed by a giant rune of grounding, all of these must be drawn in blood. Once done, she sits within the middle of the rune of grounding and begins to meditate causing the lines of the runes to glow, the protection runes creating beams of glowing red light that connect with one another to make a barrier around the main rune, once the barrier is formed it becomes invisible to the human eye the only glowing coming from the grounding rune. Esmeray is then able to disconnect her spirit and take it where she wants, in between the spirit plane and regular plane. This drains a lot of mana and no matter how long she is separated from her spirit, be it 30 seconds to 6 hours. She will come back and immediately pass out due to lack of mana. Luckily she is able to keep herself projected for as long as necessary unless the runes are messed with. Summoning - Esmeray's typical summon is either a spirit beast or skeleton warrior. These two things having been something she learned to summon for a long time. Though both may not seem like much, both are more helpful than they seem. The spirit beasts become solid when attacking and if she gives it more mana it can grow to be bigger. The skeleton warrior is typically summoned with other skeleton warriors, each with a weapon of some sort. Though they all are on the clumsier side, just like with the spirit beasts they get a boost of a sort from extra mana. The boost they receive is that of piecing themselves back together, although it takes the idiots some time. [url=https://fontmeme.com/halloween-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180208/45b015cc5336597a20d16f646b2093b3.png[/img][/url] [color=AF4035][b][u]Weapon[/u][/b][/color] The blades run just over a foot each kept extremely sharp at all times so it can be used to slice through things easily, the hardest thing it can slice easily being bone but it has to be swung at the right speed and at its sharpest in order to slice bone, so truly the hardest thing it can slice through easily is wood. The chain connecting the two blades is 9 feet in length. Allowing for good reach when fighting. When she is not using her weapon it is charmed by magic to sit on her wrist as a bracelet, the two blades looking to be charms on said bracelet. [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/FgSqQiXwUe6Hq1RzPUJJRTWz0fnV7LejLDfdPeyyXaA/https/i.pinimg.com/564x/5c/f1/bf/5cf1bf6933c4c6f4b98e72bca4096303.jpg?width=317&height=567[/img] [url=https://fontmeme.com/halloween-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180208/45b015cc5336597a20d16f646b2093b3.png[/img][/url] [color=AF4035][b][u]Personality[/u][/b][/color] As she is seen, Esmeray appears to be quite innocent and weak but in reality she is anything but. Her whole life was nothing but hell when she was at home, her only escape being with her mentor and previous Chosen of Death, Thann. Through his small and odd ways to show affection Esmeray grew to be strong and hold confidence, for the most part, within herself. She also seemed to become Thann's opposite, where he was cold she became warm and caring. Where he didn't believe in fooling around, she became a bit of a jokester to help lighten the man's heart. By the time he had practically raised her as his own Esmeray had become a playful, warm, caring spitfire. No longer willing to put up with the shit her family put her through. But there was one part of Thann's personality that she developed exactly the same of. The patience and respect for the land of the dead and the spirits within and the desire to not let anyone close. If there was anyone who would understand loss and death better than anything, it would be the Chosen of Death. Being visited by so many spirits of those who just passed within the walls wanting to get one final message to their loved ones... it was something that tore at Emery's heart every time. It's why Thann always said her warmth and desire to help and care for others would always be a weakness of hers. That's why she built a wall as to not let anyone too close, but it didn't help that she still cared. She always would, no matter what sort of facade she put on. [url=https://fontmeme.com/halloween-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180208/45b015cc5336597a20d16f646b2093b3.png[/img][/url] [color=AF4035][b][u]History[/u][/b][/color] [hider=History collab with CAWs For Alarm] The Lionsun family was well known within the community for worshipping what they believed to be the good and lighter Gods; including the Goddess of Life, the Goddess of Light, the Goddess of Water, and the Goddess of Earth. They tolerated those of the other gods except for anyone who has a clear link to the God of Shadow or the God of Death. To them, those two God's are responsible for the evil within the world and they loved to preach this to those who listened to them. Which is why they were ecstatic when they found out they were expecting, it would be a child to preach their ideals to so they could be passed on. Their excitement only grew upon the birth of the child. To see their newborn son open his eyes and have them be glowing blindly along with a mark next to his eye, it meant their son was the Chosen One of Light. Unfortunately for them, a second child had been conceived at the same time and their son had a twin. A twin sister born with the marks of a skeleton, the mark of the Chosen One of Death. If it wasn't for the fame that would come from two Chosen children, they'd abandon their daughter by the wall or somewhere to be found so they wouldn't have to deal with a disgusting child but instead, they chose to keep her to earn extra fame. So it became that the Lionsun family had produced two Chosen children, Sammael and Esmeray. Sammael was considered the golden child, always receiving the praise of his parents. Considering his parents' devotion to the Goddess of Light they practically revered him and spoiled him rotten, almost always getting what he wanted. Though with the reverence came pressure to uphold the image his parents held of him, that of a perfect child. From a young age, he was forced into classes that ranged from etiquette to combat. He tended to excel in fighting, physically and magically, but ironically for the element, he was chosen to represent he lacked in the ability to perform healing magic effectively. The amount of pressure put on him by his parents to succeed caused him to begin growing more and more distant from his sister and his personality to become more volatile. Esmeray was considered nothing more than an object for personal gain. In person, she was shown as receiving love and kindness from her parents but upon the door closing behind them when they entered the family house... that's when the truth about how she was seen came out. Mental abuse, verbal abuse, physical abuse. The girl was put through it all from a young age, treated like the dirt they thought she was. Lucky to be allowed to even leave the house to be trained by the Chosen One. At first, though, it was only her parents who did such horrid things to her. Sammael's mind not yet twisted by his parents to make him treat her in such a way, it's one thing she missed of the innocence of childhood... having an actual brother. When they were only young children the two enjoyed to play with each other, Sammael nice enough to share his toys with his sister. The two even loved to play with their familiars together, often sneaking out to run around the streets at night so Esmeray didn't risk being seen with her 'horrific markings' as her mother put it. They cared and took care of one another until part of the way through the year after their 8th birthday, then Sammael began to be like her parents. Only Sammael knows what changed, Esmeray can only guess. The reason for Sammael's distaste for his sister was simple in his mind. In his parents' effort to have become the best, he became the best, in his own mind at least. He didn't want anyone stopping his progress towards power. But his sister was oddly undaunted by the abuse and problems in her life, she was able to remain happy. This, oddly enough, scared Sammael. He was worried about being overtaken by his sister in some way despite their parents' negative outlook on her. He didn't want to be defeated by her, so he followed in his parents' footsteps and began to put her down. It was when her brother turned to her that she realized she truly had no real family to rely on. It became Esmeray vs. the world, but she wouldn't let anything they did get to her. She refused to become the victim of the game no matter how much her parents and brother tried tearing and knocking her down. Instead, she stood strong and silent, taking everything they could throw at her without showing emotion or fear. It messed with her parents and Sammael's minds and only made them treat her worse but she didn't care, it was her life. Although a part of her always hated that it was and wished for better things, it was the part of her that the abuse got through too. A big part of her that hid underneath the rest of her walls of protection. Of course, as they got older and trained more the siblings' relationship only got worse. Sammael grew to believe more and more about being the best while Esmeray learned what real family was through Thann, the Old Chosen of Death. They only grew to be more and more different, the golden child and devil child developing their abilities that basically clashed on a natural level. Said abilities only strengthening their parent's views on them which just caused them to dislike each other more and more by the day and grow more distant every hour. Nowadays when forced to interact the two only seem to glare at each other, mainly Sammael glaring and Esmeray ignoring but occasionally a glaring contest breaks out. They also get into what people to believe is a 'teasing match' but truly it is just verbal abuse from Sammael and Esmeray not taking his shit. Of course there is also the fact Sammael basically helps to lead the emotions of distrust and hate towards the Chosen and Disciples of Death after all the events too, which only causes an air of tension between the two siblings that feels so thick that it almost feels as if not even a sword could cut it. 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