WIP, missing some stuff teehee [hider=TS-361] [center][b][color=brown]TS-361[/color][/b][/center] [color=brown]Character song/song that vaguely fits the entire rp in general: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZHllkcSj6Q]Miracle is Dead - SweetRevengeK [/url][/color] [color=brown][i] "Look at the test tube baby. I was born of it. Woe is me...!" [/i][/color] [color=brown]-Lyrics [/color] [color=gray]A mercenary who is willing to do anything and everything as long as it means getting more paste and staying alive. He has no sense of loyalty and prioritizes self-preservation above all else. If the Federation were to offer him a more bountiful job, he’d accept it without hesitation. [hr] [color=brown][b][center] PERSONALITY [/center][/b][/color] TS-361 dislikes the noises and quirks that belong to organic bodies. He has experience in combat yet finds the sight of organs repulsive. He is disgusted at nudity, believing it to be the most humiliating act a living being can perform. Not nudity in the traditional sense, but nudity the way he interprets it. He sees skin as a casing for the body, similar to a machine, and any exposed areas like wounds or severe injuries are perceived as nude and pathetic. TS-361 thinks of the sight of “true” nudity as something akin to a broken machine that can never be put back together again. Whenever TS-361 gets nervous he resorts to biting the hairs off his arms, a result of being disgusted with hair as a concept. He is disgusted by his own body, but isn’t ashamed of it as he is disgusted with the idea of organic bodies in general. This unorthodox interpretation of flesh has led to the development of a rude, quiet, greedy and overall strange homunculus. [/color] [color=brown][b]Likes[/b][/color] [color=gray] [color=brown]Physical Books[/color]: TS-361 isn't very smart, but collecting books satisfies his greed. He enjoys reading the blurbs and skimming through a few of the pages. All of his books are in terrible condition. [color=brown]Tight Spaces[/color]: Being grown from a tube has made him subconsciously find comfort in tight and cramped spaces. He is an incredibly messy person and feels right at home in the large piles of garbage he tends to generate. [color=brown]Exercise[/color]: Physical strength is vital for his job, and it helps with relaxation. [/color] [color=brown][b]Dislikes[/b][/color] [color=gray] [color=brown]Hangnails[/color]: A frustrating feature of the human body. [color=brown]Meat-based human food[/color]: Seen as primal and brutish. Bits of fat in meat are particularly disgusting to him. [color=brown]Mouth Noises[/color]: Eating noises, burping, sneezing, coughing, yawning, etc.[/color] [center][b][color=brown]APPEARANCE[/color][/b][/center] [center][IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/11t0w40.jpg[/IMG][/center] [color=gray]STILL WIP TS-361's hair is constantly messy. He cuts it out of frustration in uneven chunks from time to time. His leg hair is uneven and patchy due to shaving it off with knives, both out of wanting to test their sharpness and sporadically being uncomfortable with it. He wears bland civilian clothing, but has no problems with wearing armor for extended periods of time.[/color] [/hider]