[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/roqaG2G.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/UpNUGIv.gif[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/RoyldIP.gif[/img] [color=slategray][sub]Collab Featuring:[/sub][/color] [color=c66600][sub][b]Trevor Wells[/b][@Silent Observer][/sub][/color] [color=slategray][sub]&[/sub][/color] [color=309b75][sub][b]Damian O'Connor[/b][@Universorum][/sub][/color] [color=slategray][sub]Location: Mrs. Winship’s Homeroom[/sub][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/cbSca4s.png?1[/img][/center] [indent]Today started like any other day of highschool had started so far. Trevor had woken up, went for a morning run, showered, put on a casual [i]Under Armour[/i] [url=https://i.imgur.com/zGH4tZC.png]polo[/url] and jeans, ate breakfast with his dads, and then drove to school with his brother. The usual routine. What made today [i]unlike[/i] most days was that it was the first day of his last semester of high school, which actually had him feeling a little bummed out. What if he was one of those guys who peaked in high school? So far he had had a fantastic time at high school: decent grades, great baseball career, good football career, all while maintaining a healthy social life. Sure, he could have used a little more excitement in the romance department, but… he was even working on that now! The redheaded jock walked into homeroom with a lot more on his mind than his potential southern belle lady friend or even the classes for that day. He considered whether he would be applying to college, joining the Navy, or submitting an application to the LA Police Academy in the upcoming weeks — because the time frame for making such decisions was quickly approaching an end. If he was really following his heart, he was leaning more towards the last option, even if most people didn’t consider being a cop to be the most glamorous profession. Sometimes you have to chase a passion, and Trevor thought that he would make for a good police officer — a public servant, a positive role model, and potentially a hero. Wearing a somewhat serious countenance due to his current mental ponderings, Trevor sat down beside his best friend. Damian looked equally as distracted, not even offering his usual greeting when Trev joined him. Regardless of the boys being rather quiet, the rest of the homeroom seemed to be abuzz with chatter and… dancing, of all things. There truly was never a dull day at Beverly Hills High, Trevor was certain of that. [color=c66600][b]“You alright, man?”[/b][/color] Trev asked, looking his friend over with concern. Before Damian could respond, Mrs. Winship requested that everyone quiet down to watch the morning announcement show. Trevor loved watching his brother on screen, you could really tell that he was passionate about it and Trev knew how much the show meant to Rye. The show was, however, off to a rough start, with the camera being off-center and out of focus. Odd. Maybe A Double was too high to run the camera properly, that wasn’t out of the question. The crew seemingly got their act together and Rye began with a cheerful greeting. He seemed nervous, but that could be attributed to it being his first day back in the hot seat after break, nothing big. Trevor watched as Brynn was introduced as a co-host, which he had known about ahead of time, so it came as no surprise. And then the unexpected happened. Brynn essentially called his brother ugly in front of the entire school, and Riley reacted to it. To add to that, he continued to be snippy with both her and the cameraman. Trevor squinted his eyes at the screen… that was very unlike Rye. [color=c66600][b]“I think something’s wrong with Riley. Something must have happened.”[/b][/color] Trevor mused quietly to Damian. And then the [i]unthinkable[/i] happened. The proverbial shit hit the fan in every way possible. The camera went sepia. Owen was loudly singing behind the camera — at least he was pretty sure that was Owen’s voice. Damian’s mom showed up. Trevor hung out with Damian enough to recognize Melody by the shrill tone of her voice when she was upset. Oh, this was bad. This was very bad. And then it got even worse. Did she just say [i]cut from the team?[/i] Trevor was sitting in stunned silence as the screen went black. No way. That would be crazy. Impossible. He hazarded a glance at Damian. [color=c66600][b]“That’s not true... right?”[/b][/color] Damian responded, but his voice was weak and almost sounded more like a whimper than his normally strong willed, almost happy-go-lucky voice. [color=309b75][b]“Uh, no man. It’s true. It’s all true, actually. Also, I have detention indefinitely, and I’m supposed to be on the dance committee. And now, to top it all off, I’m grounded.”[/b][/color] Damian explained, nodding as if to reassure himself that: yes. This is your reality now. [color=309b75][b]“So, uhm… good luck with tryouts? I guess. And, with whoever takes over for me…”[/b][/color] There was no hiding the pure and utter shock on Trevor’s face, not that was he even attempting to hide it. He just listened and gawked at Damian’s words, his mouth forming a comical ‘O’ shape. The shocked expression quickly turned into one that seemed genuinely offended, as his red eyebrows stitched together. [color=c66600][b]“What? How? That’s absolutely ridiculous! They can’t do that.”[/b][/color] [color=309b75][b]“Well, I guess they can. And they did! So, just a friendly reminder: don’t have fun. Ever.”[/b][/color] Damian ran a hand through his short hair and considered his options. Did he have any? Not really. Mom was right, his dad was probably going to kill him. How was he going to follow in his dad’s footsteps if he couldn’t even stay on the team? [color=309b75][b]“I guess I can drink bleach, huh? That’s always an option. It’d be better than this cursed existence. I don’t even know what I’m gonna do! Football is like my life, and you know that. I don’t really… do much else.”[/b][/color] [color=c66600][b]“This is all over the party? It’s not like you were responsible for the whole thing, where’s everyone else’s punishment? A lot of us planned it, hell, my dad [i]catered[/i] it.”[/b][/color] Trevor said in clear frustration, which wasn’t a side of him that many saw off of the field. He chewed at the edge of his thumbnail before speaking again, and then shook his head. [color=c66600][b]“That’s… awful. I’m so, so sorry, man. What can I do? I can get the guys to boycott, ya know, take a knee or something? Did… did Coach actually talk to you yet?”[/b][/color] [color=309b75][b]“No, not yet. I bet he will soon, since mom just screamed it to the world… But, you don’t have to do that. You guys should keep winning! That’s important. Also, they didn’t just get me, they got Henry taken out too… I dunno where he is, but I think he got it worse since every Friday he has mandatory in-school suspension now.”[/b][/color] Damian explained, helplessly shrugging his shoulders. This was game, set, and match. There was no play, there was no way to get out of this, other than to grin and bear it while it lasts. [color=309b75][b]“Maybe it’ll be lifted before the season’s over… or hopefully before next year, but then you’ll be gone anyway! So what’s the point? You’re my best friend, I don’t know if I’d even [i]want[/i] to play if you weren’t on the team with me!”[/b][/color] Trevor was all but pouting now. This was sad as heck, man. The boy’s well-defined shoulders sagged in defeat as he sat back in his seat. [color=c66600][b]“I know the feeling, dude. This is my last semester on the team, and I don’t know if I wanna— no. That’s a lie. I do wanna play. I’m gonna plead with the coach, and if that doesn’t work right away, I’ll go for captain and keep your seat warm for you. Because you’ll be coming back.”[/b][/color] Trevor said, nodding confidently, as if that would improve his chances. [color=309b75][b]“Well, at least one of us is confident. My dad is gonna kill me. Wanna come to dinner tonight? Maybe together we can take him.”[/b][/color] Damian sat up a little straighter and wondered if his mother [i]was[/i] right. His dad had that dad strength! He could probably still slap Damian around, no matter how strong Damian was. But Trevor was a big motherfucker. Maybe the two of them could handle things… [i]maybe[/i]. [color=309b75][b]“To be honest, I don’t know if the coach is gonna be able to do anything. I doubt he’s gonna be happy I got the boot. I bet he goes ballistic, dude.”[/b][/color] [color=c66600][b]“Good! I hope he does, because he should. This is injust, none of it happened anywhere near school grounds, and it wasn’t even during the school year.”[/b][/color] Trev felt his cheeks coloring red as he got worked up over it again. He breathed out a calming sigh and then nodded. [color=c66600][b]“Yeah man, I’ll totally join you for dinner… after tryouts are over. Whatever you need, Damian, I got you. Always.”[/b][/color] Damian held out his fist for Trevor to bump, and a weak smile formed on his face. With Trevor’s help, tranquilo could be restored.[/indent]