"I cannot fight them all and live." He stated, more out of giving advice than any sort of fear. Yes, he knew of slave revolts and had dreamed of it for years, as he had not been born a slave. This life of servitude had been thrust upon him, just as the chains on his wrists. However, there was a sense of destiny surrounding this woman, and he had seen her perform miracles. He was not to abandon her, even in such a state as this. And as much as it grated him, he had also gotten used to having a master. One day, hopefully he would change that. The Great Serpents lazily coiled and slithered across the illuminated cavern beneath them. One of them gazed up at the Sorceress and the slave, a tongue the size of Rhaak's arm flickering out as it tasted the air. Its iris was the size of his Scimitar, an endless blade of darkness. Rhaak had never before felt as close to a meal as he did as when the serpent looked at him. Though it did not approach, and he wondered why that was. The stairway seemed large enough- Rhaak's eyes caught the statues that framed the archway, and he decided to try something. With a look to Amira, he stepped forward cautiously, his every muscle tensed as he did so, before his foot passed the statues and stepped down upon the first step. The serpents that were not gazing his way were coiling and hissing, but the one that had watched them curiously suddenly drew itself up, and approached with sinuous grace. Rhaak stepped back immediately and held his Scimitar defensively, and the Serpent halted its advance as soon as he re-entered the archway, seemingly uninterested. Rhaak looked to the statues, and wondered what to do. "They are the pagan Gods Muhamara and Bresia," Amira declared, though her sharp, enchanting eyes showed a hint of curiosity at the strange behavior of the serpents as well. "We shall use them." Luckily, the statues were not large. Merely a tad bigger than the busts that Praelians were so fond of, and Rhaak, at Amira's behest, ripped them out of the stone and held them under each of his arms. He then knelt down for Amira to ride upon his back, so both of them would be between the statue's warding powers. [@Penny]