[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=00ccff]Cecily Ashworth[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/c27b604ecdcddfd8cfc22964d23302c8/tumblr_oujjrbKEGC1uutgwwo1_500.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=00ccff]Location:[/color][/b] La Hacienda - Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico [color=00ccff][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Constitution, Deduction[/center][hr] Cecily shook her head. She didn't believe that Lorna had been a member of Juno - she must have gotten in the way. [color=00ccff]"No - I think she was killed because she was close with Alicia. Maybe...Maybe Alicia confided in her. Or maybe she was in the wrong place at the wrong time,"[/color] Cecily explained. She felt that had Lorna been a member of Juno, her death would have appeared as emotionally motivated as Alicia's. [color=00ccff]"She may not have even known anything - Juno might have just thought she did and decided to take care of her...If I was a secret criminal empire, like Hydra or some shit, that's what I'd do. I wouldn't take chances."[/color] As Natasha mentioned her mentor, Cecily nodded and [i]finally[/i] turned on her phone. It had been off ever since the plane took off in Justice and it began to wearily receive all of the texts she had missed. She looked down, scanning the screen quickly with each vibration. They seemed to be from Riley for the most part and Cecily smiled slightly. [quote][b]To Riley:[/b] [i][color=00ccff]Hey, sorry, crazy day! -C[/color][/i][/quote] She wasn't really certain if there wasn't anything else to say. While she could have told Riley about everything that happened at La Hacienda, she didn't feel like it was a conversation for over text. She didn't like the idea that potentially anyone could read a text like that and it had been a funeral. The grief stricken actions taken at one should remain there - first rule of fight club and all. [color=00ccff]"We'll want to stop that transfer, then,"[/color] Cecily said, noticing another text come in - one that wasn't from Riley this time. She quickly shot off a text to Roy first, however. [quote][b]To Roy:[/b] [i][color=00ccff]Think I've found something. On route, sans Blackbird -C[/color][/i][/quote] She then opened the text that had just come in and began to read it.