These were the types of situations Hector hated to find himself in. As expected, the rabbit thing provided no satisfactory answers, and gave them some vague warning about something coming for them. Most annoyingly, something did come for them. Now it was a matter of pure chance. They could trust blindly in the white rabbit, and get out of here, and they might all run headfirst into a trap. Alternatively, they could choose to take a chance on this newcomer. He looked as suspicious as it got, but on the other hand, "looks can be deceiving" was a common adage for a reason. He had absolutely no idea what could happen with either of them, and that fact was excruciating. A decision had to be made with no facts or rationale, only instincts and assumptions. If there had been an appropriate opportunity, Hector would have spat on the ground in disgust and protest at this. He decided to go with the obvious choice and trust in the rabbit, as many others seemed to be doing. He did not actually trust the thing one bit, but he didn't have a bit of a shred of info to go on here either. If it was potential death on either end, he may as well throw in with the one that seemed the least suspicious on the surface. If this came to bite him in the arse, then he would have to live with that...or die with it, as it were.