At the mention of sweets, Ikari's characteristic creepy smile of being angry and happy returned to his face. The puppy eyes weren't helping, making him blush a little. [Color=blue]"W-Well, just a few sweets can't be that bad..."[/color] As he finished that line, his stomach made a loud growl, the red on his face suddenly being more brilliant. Damn his body for being so weak to food. [Color=blue]"Ugh...okay, fine! Let's go to that new cafe you're so happy about."[/color] He was still pissed about the idea of going to any place that it wasn't his home, but sweets makes things better. Sweets always makes things better. [Color=blue]"But first we have to grab our things. I won't go anywhere empty-handed"[/color] Suddenly, Ikari grabbed Misaki's hand without thinking, and started walking outside the nurse's office and towards their classroom. He tried to act as calm as possible, but his face was as red as a tomato. Misaki would tease him forever if he spun around while looking like that. And why the hell was he getting embarrassed in the first place?! Hand holding isn't that meaningful, is it? [Color=blue]'How is it that I can fight thugs almost every day, but I'm still nervous around a girl?! Damn her for this...'[/color] He thought while trying to act as cool as possible.