[center][h3]Sordan[/h3] Camp[/center] [hr] At the far edges of the light of the campfire sat a swordsman, barely in the shadows yet barely in the light. His eyes were closed in what seemed to be meditation, although more likely he was just figuring out how he was going to eat well while out here on the field... Should he go hunting? Or maybe forage?... No, perhaps hunting will do. Fighting was strenuous work, and so eating something nourishing was important. Regardless, he felt no need to participate for the time being. He wasn't a proactive person if there was no incentive, or rather, he was passive. Spoke only when spoken to. This made his role as a General even stranger to his subordinates, whom of which he had already dispatched and assigned. He was in this ragtag alone so to speak, he could have stayed with his own unit as much as he pleased, but going out to do his own thing was always how he did things, agency so to speak. At the very least he taught his subordinates that. There weren't many from Tellius here, were they unpopular? No, far from it. Tellius often took the front lines as the brawn of any unit from the League, which put his own unit in a strange position. Assassins, killers, precision scalpels that rent through key points in an enemy's defense. It was almost strange to him that the honorable path of the sword would eventually lead him to such a dishonest profession, but it is where it has taken him and so he strides along with it. There was but one familiar face though and that was the General Luna of Archanaea, he only saw her once at a meeting between the League's generals a few days back regarding distribution of forces, but it seems even this plan did not survive combat... Or application for that matter. A ragtag group of career soldiers, mercenaries, and by his perception, people who had no business being here or even didn't want to be here, was what made up this group. A strange bunch. For now he sat quietly just a ways off from the group, listening yet not participating, at least until he was referred to.