[b]Appearance:[/b] [hider][img]https://i.imgur.com/y5ZdiQE.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Daniel McCollough [b]Age:[/b] 46 [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Powers:[/b] [indent][b]-Black Magic-[/b] Daniel inherited his knowledge of black magic from his mother, a witch. He specializes in summoning incantations and certain curses. His favorites include the curse of light, which causes a target to light up in a bright aura, allowing them to be seen much easier in dark places, the curse of weakness, which weakens a target's physical attributes, the curse of silencing, which prevents targets from using offensive magic, and the curse of locking, which prevents use of teleportation spells, making it harder for opponents to flee. He is able to make much stronger incantations when within his potion forge. [b]-Potion Crafting-[/b] Daniel is skilled at creating magical potions, used to boost morale, heal wounds, or even stop time relative to the observer, though the greater the potion's effect, the longer it takes to craft, and the potions with the most impressive effect are also the ones with the greatest chance of failure.[/indent] [b]Strengths:[/b] [indent][b]-Gunplay-[/b] Daniel's greatest talent, even above his magical aptitude, is his way with weaponry. Daniel is a skilled marksman, and is able to make well=aimed shots even when within open combat. He is especially skilled at the use of a pistol, though he often uses rifles for combat-heavy situations.[/indent] [indent][b]-Tactics-[/b] Daniel is a skilled tactician, and is able to set up ambushes, organize defenses, and protect locations with considerable skill. [b]-Familiar-[/b] Daniel has a familiar, a crow by the name of Russel. Russel and Daniel are able to communicate wordlessly, and the crow often acts as an extension of Daniel's body.[/indent] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [indent][b]-Detective Work-[/b] Daniel is much more skilled at wet work than he is at the investigative side of being part of a government agency. [b]-Fatigue-[/b] Daniel is getting on in years, and this makes him quick to tire, using magic heavily also causes exhaustion. [b]-Known of-[/b] As a former member of the Boston witch coven, many dark magic users know of his existence and what he's capable of, making him susceptible to ambush.[/indent] [b]Bio:[/b] Born in Boston to an Irish immigrant father and second-generation Irish-American mother, Daniel seemed to be quite normal amongst the many working class Irishmen in the city, he was unique however, in the fact that his mother was a witch, part of a secret coven living within the seedy underbelly of the city. As he grew, he became a part of this secret world, taught curses, and assigned a familiar. Daniel did not enjoy being a part of the witches' seedy dark magic, and fled their clutches as soon as possible. For a time he plied his trade as an independent exterminator, using his magics to force rats to follow him out of houses and into traps. He was discovered by the MIB soon after, and offered his help as an associate. As an associate of the MIB, he worked with them to detain members of his former witch coven, acting as an inside contact. Eventually he became a full agent as a result of this campaign, specializing in detaining or eliminating magical threats.