I would like to see if I can, motherfucking, accrue two more to the divinity dew before I consider making this into an full rp. Some additional ideas for the RP. COURT DATES Every passing of time or period of posts a court date will appear, this is a meeting of all gods that are not a part of the "stranger" out groups. Here, all players vote, debate, and reppeal what they can. Influence will have its strongest effect here since every certain threshhold of points increase the number your vote count as. In RP, this increased voting strength is represented by the lesser NPC gods under your sway whom vote behind you. ERA SHIFTS Every certain post amount or after a major event a 100 years will pass in RP time. During this phase nothing will really happen, the status established here would ensue for said 100 years. Every gains an update on what has occured from the new time point. New events and things happening in the mortal world-like the invention of a pencillican- are noted. EVENTS An event occurs every now and then that acts as an outside plot point to in group things, in order to spice it up. Events occur sometimes by themselves or in rows. An event can be something not immediately effecting like a certain country amassing a vast army, or something more noticable like a sudden trend of atheism. all events of all natures occur more depending on the gods actions and inner politics. DOOMED EVENT Major events whom are inveitable, however, the variable of their severity can be changed by the groups past actions/prepardeness/ current established power base. Hidden Events Stuff which may be mention vaguely but how big or little they are is unknown. Events can quickly cascade into a serious threat not just to Earth but to gods themselves but limited power and stats may make only investigating some possible.