"Woah, take it easy." The boy said, his grip still on the gun, though his arm swung away. Though he had fallen backward, he was still focused enough for sorcery. Again, he blew forth a cloud of smoke at West. Of course, it was just as West had taken him to the ground that Mikkish, watching from afar, decided to intervene. With the loud boom of a few gunshots, bullets ripped through the air, taking the window out of a nearby building and tearing into a nearby car twice. Panicked by the situation and the sudden gunshots, William shot up from his downed position and let off a few shots of his own, barely missing Mikkish and Maddox, but knocking out a light and damaging a mailbox. Him and his friend had decided never to actually shoot anyone, as not only would it draw attention, but shooting someone would have dire consequences, even on this island. However William had never actually been in a gunfight with someone shooting at him, so the adrenaline got the better of him.