[center][IMG]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LmZmMDUxMC5SM2Q1Ym1WMGFDQkpaSEpwY3csLC4w/ruohomatto-sans.regular.png[/IMG] Gwyneth perked up, and her eyes lighted up a little at the appearance of Kylie, before returning to normal. [Color=orangered]"Good morning, Kylie. I was going to search for you, but it seems that it wasn't necessary"[/color] She informed the pink haired assassin. The blonde felt some sort of kinship with the mariner, as they both lost at least one of their parents to the Empire. As she was a little older and more sociable, Kylie was like a big sister for her. [Color=orangered]"Then...The only one who isn't here is Icarus. I hope he shows up soon. An empty stomach is an assassin's worst enemy" [/color] Gwyneth stated with a serious face while grabbing a plate, her stomach growling a little. [Color=orangered]"Thanks for the food, Cochise"[/color] She tanked the Easterner's kindness, before eating in a very not-graceful way her food. Manners be damned, her life was at stake here. Literally. [Color=orangered]"So, do you know what's our mission now, Kylie?" [/Color] The blonde asked curiously the woman. Seeing as she woke up first, it was probable the possibility of her knowing what they were going to later. [/center]