[@KatherinWinter] [color=f7941d][i]Henry "Hank" Dauterive[/i][/color] / [color=2e3192][b]Michelle "Micheal" Jones [/b][/color] The last thing Michelle also known as Micheal remembered was celebrating his last mission with some Norwegian twins and a bottle of chocolate syrup. Now he was in a tightly compacted and dark place that he could not recognize, "Helga? Bonnie?" He called out at first to the respond of silence. "This ain't funny..you know i hate it when you blindfold me, It freaks me out" He responded trying to push himself out but felt something solid against the wall. Pushing on it a few more times before slamming the door open and falling face first onto the ground, "Ow..where the hell am i?" He asked himself standing up and looking around. It looked to him that he was in a high school of some sort, "I think i took too much of Helga's kooky spooky kool aid" He said mimic a badly impressed Norwegian accent. From the corner of his eye he could see his trusty chainsaw, shotgun and the phone that was given to him by the agency, "Hi asshole when you wanna send me on a mission call me first" He said out loud as if speaking to the director. Picking up his things and thanking god he wearing all of his clothes, He did not want to go though the mishap of fighting a Kandarian demon in his underwear again. As he got his things he made himself ready for anything, Walking the silence hallways keeping his shotgun at the ready just in case. Once in a while admiring himself in the reflection of the school photos or the trophy display. He had a crazy drug/alcohol filled night last night and he was gonna have a hell of a night now. ------------------------------ Meanwhile Henry Dauterive was on the school grounds having arrived at a rather smelly location, He was still getting the rancid bananas and gym shorts off of his body. Keeping his own weapon at the ready as he walked the school grounds, He had gotten the call and accepted his mission ready to face anyone that would get in his way. He was always on the alert at first checking the library in case their was any students that needed to be evacuated, Slowly making his way aisle by aisle quietly stepping over the fallen books and what looked like blood puddles.