[h2] [center][color=DarkGray]The Lycan Covenant [/color] [/center] [/h2] Vlath was amused by the weakness of the Ogre prisoners. Their bodies may have strength to rival a lycan but their spirit was weak, Goldtooth admitted he had been disappointed in their weak wills, it mattered little, they had extracted useful information from them. Now that he was aware of the locations of the forces around the area, he could plan accordingly. First, Vlat met with Grash as he examined his new set of ogre armour (he had naturally been given a set as he was one of the most capable fighters in the covenant). "If we had this equipment during our first encounter with the ogres we would have crushed them, I am sure of it" he said to the voidcaller as he entered the tent. Vlath nodded in agreement before giving his orders "There are more ogre factions to the north. I am inclined to believe they have not discovered us yet. You and the Goldtooths will work to fortify the settlement from all sides using the resources and manpower at your disposal. Focus your men to west, where an attack from the Ironeye's is most likely. Kill any attackers without remorse, strip them of their armor and bring the survivors to the ritual site." After Grash gave a bow to Vlath, he left the tent to find Mexi. Mexi was by the elk pens, skinning one of the beasts and having her hunters carry the rest of the carcass off,presumably to a cooking pot on one of the fires. Vlath cared little for what she was doing and spoke "You and your hunters are to begin stalking the Ironeye camps at night. Do not enter them unless you see an opportunity to strike a blow to them, simply kill those who wander too far from their camp and flee if they attempt hunt you down. If you are unable to move east back towards Wulfhelm, move further west and into follow the mountain back around to the settlement. Do not stray from the mountain to the coast or you may come into contact with one of the other ogre factions that inhabit the coast. Take what weapons you need but the armor will slow you down. Remember that speed and the shadows are your weapon, the ogres are slow brutes unfit to chase you down. The Gods will watch over you on this task." he said to her, Mexi nodded solemnly at the voidcaller. This was perhaps the riskiest mission she had been asked to undertake but she would never make her Silentpaws perform a task she herself would not do. She would lead one of the hunts every week herself. With his will carried out, Vlath returned to his tent and this damned chest. He would dedicate what time he had outside of training his new priesthood to finding out what was inside. [hider=Summary] Grash and Goldtooth are going to fortify the settlement with a focus on the side from which the Ironeyes would most likely invade from Mexi and her Silentpaws will begin performing nightly raids on the Ironeye's territory , picking off any small groups that may leave the village at night, the Silenpaws will also likely kill animals in the surrounding area and feast on the corpses,leaving an unpleasant sight and smell for any nearby ogres. Vlath is still trying to figure out what's in the damn box. [/hider]