[@Eventua] This is really awesome and unique! I have to mention, though, that in previous OOC responses I've already denied another player a request to have known the captain/crew ahead of time. The CS is exactly the character's application submitted to a captain they've never met for consideration as a part of his crew. I'm gonna have to insist on that, sorry! We can, however, say that they've been in communication before. Say, Krita had sent out a distress signal and received a response from Golby via HOBO, saying he's rather unable to help at the moment but he's accepting applications for future crewmates. You could assume a bit of conversation back and forth, but physically they haven't met. [s]As for the swarm! How about a combination of your suggestions: your original community, once onboard, would be confined to the ship. Any excursions , Krita would go out alone -- this is basically because I can't imagine keeping track of what's happening if there's a swarm of little gobbos running around, haha. I'll let you know if there are any communities in the area -- if I forget to mention it, feel free to ask.[/s] Edit: on second thought, and given developments IC right now, limiting your access to the community would put your character at a severe disadvantage so I'll take it back. Go forth and swarm to your heart's content! xD (I still really want to RP out a first meeting between all the characters and Golby, though! We can be creative with how the community is gonna transport over to the Dozing ruins -- maybe some kind of weird land-scudder animal-machine-thing that they've hitchhiked on?)