First there is darkness. The soft cool wetness that is your existence. But there is sound outside that, a noise calling from beyond the bounds of your universe, a yearning within your soul, to leave the safety of your protective layer. To explore the world outside, to find, to seek... Something... To find movement, to leap onto it, to grapple for its respiratory orifice, and force your eggs inside. Your limbs twitch, dreamlike in your torpid state, but then the gates of the universe open, allowing you into the cold breeze of the world. It is dark in the cold world outside of your egg, but there are lights in the distance. A flickering beam, footsteps, voices, breathing... You are beneath a stack of square objects, piled loosely enough for you to move within them unseen. There is a large object outside the pile, it hums and vibrates with heat and gas, but it does not seem to be alive. Beyond that there are voices and footsteps of the approaching life forms. You are not alone. The light in the room is poor but that does not matter. A facehugger sensory organs were never the best. There are three paths to take. To the left is a a short hallway that leads to the left side of the dimly light room. No footsteps seem to be coming from the direction but it is the darkest part of the large maze like room. It wouldn't be difficult to attract someone in there. To the right are two paths. A ventilation shaft hangs open. While the shaft could lead to prime positioning, there is not telling where it will lead. The hallway on the right leads directly to the footsteps yet their numbers are unknown. While your design certainly helpa in bypassing the natural defenses of most organisms, it could be risky. Another option is yet available. Several facehuggers could certainly fit inside the boxes and leap when the time is right. It's time to decide if the perfect species can be birthed.