Lily did note the way Emile both reacted and spoke when she mentioned Isekai. On its own she might not have found it especially odd, maybe just a sign of surprise by someone who hadn't quite thought of it yet. But he had previously mentioned his current body — that of the humanoid owl — not being his own, but being from the video game Yggdrasil. She was familiar with the name, as it was what some believed the Weave to be, much like in old Norse Mythology, but any game with said name was unknown to her. Knowing that his body was not his own, and that he looked like he had been caught with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar, made Lily suspect something. She briefly glanced down at Mouse, placed a hand on his head, and turned her attention back to Emile, only to see a blur of movement and a rush of wind. She jerked her head upwards, following the movement, seeing the owl-man standing atop the broken pillar, arms crossed and lording over her. "What the hell?!" Brucie exclaimed beside her, looking around briefly before finally finding Emile. Mouse let out a whimper and pressed himself closer to Lily. Lily felt her eyes widen as a feeling of awe went over her, one she hadn't felt since she had first witnessed the feats of the mythical creatures up close. This man, whoever and whatever he was, was in a league beyond her. If he could move so fast as to be blurry [i]to her,[/i] then she had no chance whatsoever at beating him. She fought to bring her expression back under control, putting back the usual mask of unflappability. However proud she was. However certain she was that she could defeat anyone on her own. This time, she had to admit that there were someone in this alien world, that was her superior. His words from moments earlier came back to her; [i]"...And when the load gets heavy, it's a good idea to have a lot of friends.”[/i] She was forced to agree. And the words that followed, that he would swear to her the aid of the entire guild, giant raven included, so long as she amended her wish to include theirs as well, whatever it was. She rose slowly, ignoring Brucie's impressed mutterings beside her. She never let her eyes leave Emile, however much good it would do her if he decided to attack. "I appreciate your offer, but before I accept or decline, you asked a question." She pulled out the phylactery from beneath her shirt, showing the heart-like creation, the gears behind the single window slowly turning. This one was also still vividly red, as opposed to Emile's greyed and dun one. "This is an active phylactery. As you said earlier, containing eight souls. What you have are inert ones, no longer functional for its purposes. Notice the gears no longer turning? Long and short of it, the ones you carry aren't more than a piece of rubber." She stuffed it back underneath her shirt, eyes never leaving the stranger. "As for your aid, I would like you to Swear it," she said, "Swear it on your Power, and I will swear to word my wish so that what you want also comes to pass." She silently hoped that his kind were completely beholden to such a vow, much like the Sídhe of her own world. Luckily, she, as a Kitsune, was not beholden to such a promise, and would not risk the lessening or complete loss of her magic, should she break it. [i]Of course, that doesn't mean I won't honour it. But... Just in case their wish contradicts mine.[/i] "Are those acceptable terms? I'll need to know what your Wish is, though." "I think it's acceptable," Brucue said, stepping up beside Lily, now no longer needed to guard Emile's flank. "You seen that bird? It's enormous. And he's quicker than I've ever seen you move—" the glare she gave him could have curdled milk "—so if the rest of his crew is anything close to that... Yeah, I reckon they'll be a good help. By the way, you gonna take those swords?" He asked, pointing. Following Brucie's finger, and for the first time saw the two sabres leaning against the pillar. "Probably," she said, then looked back up at Emile. "But first, your answer, please? Your ring may be fancy, but I would prefer if you also use my world's Oath." She paused, brows furrowing. A brief moment passed of silence, with Emile ruminating on her demand. "My Power?" he repeated after a moment. "...I take it there's some significance to this oath where you're from?" Lily nodded. "There is. In my world, if someone swears to their power, they are bound to the promise, and risk the weakening of their powers if they break that promise. At worst they might lose them after repeated offenses." She pursed her lips. "I doubt it will even work for you, being from a different world, but at least humor me. If nothing else it will show me that you mean to uphold your end of the bargain."