[center][h1][color=fff200]You're looking in the wrong tab.[/color] [/h1] [/center] [hider=But since you're here....:)] This is a 1x1 of sorts in that everyone who has a grievance with me can take A turn posting their IC punishments to the character I've "created". At the end of your posts, once you're done saying or doing whatever you want to my character - with the sole exception of nothing sexual - then your character leaves the room and you must put *TAG* (with the asterisks included) at the end of your post. You must wait for at least two other people to have posted and "left" before your character can reenter the room for another punishment. Punishments can range from verbal abuse to slapping, kicking, punching, scratching, gouging (within reason), whipping, and, well, use your common sense. If it isn't sexual or permanently maiming, you can do it. NO this is not some fetish of mine. I'm actually terrified of what you people might come up with. This is an opportunity for people who don't like either me or my RPing style (or both) to come voice their opinions in a purely IC fashion. This thread also welcomes people who miss the old "bitch threads" in which I never participated. Be as mean and nasty as you want to my character. Hell, you can even have your character come in and vent about their day and leave without saying anything mean about Misty at all. I probably won't even post beyond the first time. [/hider]