[center][h2]Mori[/h2][/center] Mori watched Yvette from across the cafeteria, smirking to himself as she regaled the younger students with tales of the ‘haunted’ abandoned building. He had to admit, he was impressed. She was betraying nothing of her cold little black kitty heart with her words. Frost must have had something especially nasty planned to get her little sycophantic kitty to play the caring upperclassmen so well. He rubs his chin for a moment, antenna twitching idly as he wonders if he should intervene. The trio were terrors when you knew what they were capable of, most of their victims either dropping out to escape or...worse. The moth boy had lost more than a few projects to their bullying, either from the relentless pursuit of Yvette scaring his work in progress away or a well timed (often singular) word from Frost undoing months improvement. He sighs, standing up and walking over to the cat chimera, boot heels clicking loudly behind him as he made his way through the crowd. [color=#fefeee]”Now now…”[/color], he chirps softly approaching Yvette from behind, his voice carrying surprisingly far in the silence of the lunch room. [color=#fefeee]”There’s no need to be selfish Yvette darling.”[/color] He says, draping his arms loosely over her shoulders as he leans over the cat chimera. He smiles warmly at the younger students. [color=#fefeee]”The only thing ‘haunting’ that building at night are the couples who sneak in their for a little...privacy.”[/color] He says, leaning forward and bringing Yvette into a lazy hug. [color=#fefeee]”Atleast...that’s what we used it for anyway…I don't see why you need to scare the freshmeat off. It's not like it belongs to us afterall. ”[/color] he adds, smirking down at Yvette. Silently, he wished he had bothered to learn any emphatic magic, as he's doubtlessly missing quiet the mental tantrum going on in the depths of her mind. [h2][center]Bawen[/center][/h2] Bawen sat at the edge of the crowd, hardly paying attention to...much anything really. It had taken several minutes before he managed to wake up, back aching from being left on the cold exam room floor. It had taken longer to drag himself back to the cafeteria and into a chair, silently cursing all the way. It had not gone as it should have, and he found himself increasingly worried over his performance at the end. He tried to busy himself with people watching, eyes bouncing from person to person for a few minutes (skipping over Mark several times) before settling on Magnhild. She seemed to be the only one present from his exam group, and was hurriedly exchanging notes with a human, though why the poor girl was being forced to 'talk' to one of their kind he couldn't guess. The normal agitation he would have felt at their mere proximity, however, was currently being drowned out by the urge to lie down on this table and sleep until the abyss of non-existence swallowed him whole. And while he could hear someone say something about an abandoned building, he couldn't bring himself to pay it any mind. As far as Bawen was concerned, at the moment, there was no earthly force that could grab his attention until he got a much needed nap.