Marod and Lunise each stood to attend Meesei while she opened her portal. Marod stood with his hands clasped behind his back, nodding where appropriate to Meesei. Mention of the main course of the feast made Lunise raise an eyebrow, but Marod proceeded to respond as if by habit. "Hm, I shall have to make haste, then! Nothing more would give me gratitude than a meal in good company. I am a simple man in that respect. Thank you, Meesei, for the hospitality and the transportation." The room beyond the portal was mercifully empty. Marod stepped through as he was motioned to do so, but spun on a heel as soon as he was through. "Pardon me," he said as he looked back through the portal with sudden doubt. "Did you just say [i]dragon?[/i]" Judging by the twitch at the corner of her mouth, a part of Lunise wished Meesei would close the portal without responding to give Marod something more to think about.