[@ScreenAcne] Could you explain the power system a bit more and how it ties with abilities? Below is my planned God. [hider=X] [b]Name[/b] X (pronounced “ecks”), The Faceless Scholar [b]True Name[/b] Apocrypha [b]Essential [/b] [b]DOMAIN[/b][u] Knowledge [/u] [b]TASK/CURSE/BURDEN:[/b] Seek out all Knowledge; Study everything in creation, Record the histories and prophecies of the world. Regulate the flow of information across all minds, Protect the secrets of forbidden knowledge. [b]Appearence[/b] [hider= The Faceless face of God:] [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/036/a/9/wizard_by_van_der_dot-d4osajb.jpg[/img] Appearing to both Mortals and Gods in the same form, X does not differ his appearance to either party. There is nothing to hide from Mortals in his appearance, as it reveals scarcely anything. It is easy to discern X is a God by the otherworldly manifestation, and yet knowing X is a God is meaningless in itself for no one but X knows anything more. A flowing robe conceals his physical manifestation, dissolving the God to little more than a pair of long slender hands emerging from the sleeves and a partial face beyond the veil of eternal mystery. There is no face beyond the lower half of his visage, and in truth nothing beneath the robes. [/hider] [b]Personality[/b] [hider= Divine Wisdom:] A mystic god who challenges the very idea of Omniscience. While it is possible to consider that X is a god of knowledge, that is a bringer of knowledge, he is also the force which obscures it. There are things which even the Gods themselves cannot answer perhaps of their own creation or the world before anything. X is the guardian of such forbidden knowledge, keeper of the arts of Magic and Mystery. It is he that conceals the musings of fate, it is he that knows the outcomes before it happens. It is he that governs the laws and functions of how the universe works for it is he that knows the inner workings. His thoughts cryptic and revealing, speaking directly and yet in metaphors and riddles of countless paradoxes. There is no better adviser than X for his insights existed long before the moment and the question was asked. Born from the first lucid thoughts to be what he was, a watcher and recorder, X is a bureaucratize scientist, who's dominion lies between the ears. Seeking to become more and more omniscient as he studies the world, recording all that is and was, and to be fated. Fulfilling his purpose and role in the divine cosmic order, seeking out the secrets and judging if they were too dangerous to fall into the hands of mortals. Or even gods. With many varied roles to play, X is a prominent enough figure among his brethern, and most should consider his pursuit of purpose to remain within his assigned task. However, this begs the question if one as knowledgeable as X is sated with being a mere tool for a higher entity. There are suggestions of his desire to be the one commanding it all by birthright of intellect... [/hider] [b]Powers List[/b] [hider= Divine Arcana] Shared Sight: his elective blindness closes one door, but opens many more in return. Without eyes X borrows the sight of others anywhere he wills. Their vision becoming clear in his mind as a surrogate method to see the world. Such a feature can be extended to any number of individuals, as many as his mind cares to process and attend to creating a many faceted view. The seer is generally unaware of being used in such a manner, but astute observers can notice a shadowy figure of the god within the reflected in the used pupils. Such ability allows him to experience the life through the eyes of a mortal, while also allows him to keep watch over what occurs in the world around him. Mind over Matters: Not a physical combatant amongst the gods, X is hardly capable in hand-to-hand combat. However his head-to-head prowess is beyond most gods. His mind is a mental bastion, incorruptible and unswayed by anything but logic. Most powerful however is his ability to presides over knowledge. With a touch he can bestow any amount of knowledge he desires into the mind, capable of suddenly enlightening even the most feral of creatures to cosmopolitan levels. However with the same touch done for a different purpose, X can perfectly erase the thoughts of others, absorbing them for his purposes as the memory is obliterated. A mind-crushing ability that can render lesser beings into a [i]tabula rasa[/i] state. Allowing him to fill the mind with whatever he information chooses. Divine Magic: Patron of magic and the granter of it upon mortals, X can warp reality to his will as it is his own eye which is being used as the conduit to do so, while another anchors reality to avoid its complete destruction. This reality warping is produced as magic, making mass appear and disappear, changing forms from one to another, opening holes in the fabric to summon things as necessary from far flung places. Anything one can imagine can be executed, produced within an area equal to how much strain the fabric of reality can hold. Of course when using magic to contest a gods own element, such a point is moot as even X's magic cannot supercede the authority of a god's own being. However, he can reproduce similar powers of other gods, albeit it to a lesser effect as magic merely bends reality not break it. Incorporeality: Being little more than half a face and a pair of hands floating beneath a hooded robe, X is a difficult god to grasp, both mentally and physically. He floats defying natural laws, wispy and ethereal save for times he chooses to be solid. Curiously The robes are very much part of his body, suggesting his form is chosen in such a way. Which in turn, begs the question if he is able to change forms or if this is how he was created. [/hider] [b]Stats[/b] [u][b]Mortal Affairs:[/b][/u] 0 [u][b]Influence:[/b][/u] 6 [u][b]Power:[/b][/u] 5 [b]Perks[/b] (( )) [b]RELATIONS[/b] (( )) [/hider]