Wow, I'm glad to see so much interest right off the bat! :D With this many people, I can safely say that we can definitely make this happen. I'll give this thread a little more time to see if anyone else wants to join, then work on putting up the OOC. I'll also work on creating a Discord channel to keep track of things, although I won't make it mandatory to join that for those who don't want to. In any case, welcome aboard, everyone, and I look forward to writing with you! ^^ One more thing I'd like to ask of everyone joining. Ideally, I'd like to focus this experience largely on the players rather than any one GMPC I might create, so I'll likely be creating an extensive cast of NPCs of varying importance, rather than focusing my efforts solely on a single GM mouthpiece. However, I'd also like those NPCs to be relevant to your characters and their development, so as such, I'll also be taking suggestions and requests for NPC characters with some connections to your own to make things more exciting. Also, if you'd like to do a specific NPC role yourself - such as a character's siblings, parents, close friends, personal enemies, etc. - I'd be happy to allow you to take on multiple characters, so no worries there, either. On one final note, Flamelord, you're absolutely right when you say that this is kind of a complicated setup. With wishes being made that could change character relationships or development completely, and with certain people losing memories or having them rewritten when these wishes occur, I expect that things could quite quickly become very confusing. Speaking of which, I'm also going to make a house rule here that you should, either directly or through me, discuss what your wishes' impact on other PCs will be rather than just forcing ahead with them. For example, it'd be bad form to just wish another, non-app-holding PC would fall in love with you without consulting them first, since it effectively rewrites their entire character without either their consent or their permission. Other such rules may also be added if I see other such problems arising. In any case, if anyone has any questions or confusions about the setting and its rules, I'm more than happy to answer them. ^^ Thank you all for your interest!