Right! History rewritten (think this history works better so thats awesome) so character done. Phew! ofc let me know if you require any changes etc. [hider=Amalthea Stone] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/script-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180209/f8322c77cd425b42dc5332b7276eec16.png[/img][/url] [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/14a4/f/2015/039/6/d/akatsuki_no_yona___gif_yona_by_degonia-d8h87gn.gif[/img] [color=#040BD9]NickName:[/color] Thea [color=#040BD9]Age:[/color] 24 [color=040BD9]Gender:[/color] Female [color=#040BD9]Sexual Orientation:[/color] Heterosexual [color=#040BD9]Chosen Marking:[/color] [img]http://img23.fansshare.com/tattoo/fire/tribal-fire-612540220.jpg[/img] On both palms [color=#040BD9]Appearance:[/color] [img]https://t00.deviantart.net/lwXcMdBu2NaV821Mj9PKcJvk6e4=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre00/39e0/th/pre/i/2017/040/0/d/akatsuki_no_yona_by_sayakaikamishiro-dayf0yz.png[/img] There's no way to describe Thea other than 'dainty' she is short at only 5 feet four and slender with small bust and hips. Her mass of crimson hair and blue eyes, too large for her delicate face, only seem to emphasise her slightness more. Though slight she is a healthy weight for her size and given her chosen status, stronger than she looks. [color=#040BD9]Familiar[/color] [color=#040BD9]Type[/color] Phoenix [color=#040BD9]Name[/color] Dart [color=#040BD9]Baby Form[/color] [img]https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-wu9L-M8a05s/V9X3vl21VBI/AAAAAAAKciA/NW0YrCkfK2IjjRLcHfFmyAjdqNykgiIKgCLcB/s400/ARTE%2BBRENDA%2BLYONS%2B%25285%2529.jpg[/img] [color=#040BD9]Grown Form[/color] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/957967391358685184/LccZTWej.jpg[/img] [color=#040BD9]Chosen Element[/color] Fire [color=#040BD9]Skills[/color] [color=#040BD9]Flame Shield[/color]: Thea can summon fire to coat her body protecting her from harm and burning anything that touches her. Thea can only do this to herself and doing this drains her mana quickly. [color=#040BD9]Flame Shot[/color]: Thea substitutes arrows for her her flames and effectively fires arrows made of flame from her bow. This is the ability she uses most often as it costs a relatively small amount of mana. Thea can shape and manipulate fire in various other ways from simply lighting a candle to lobbing fireballs but the larger the flames the more mana it costs her to use. [color=#040BD9]Weapon[/color] Bow [img]https://thewhimsicalcircumlocutor.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/img_2310_zpsaccsvtle.gif[/img] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQh_ctnTUghi9gA6NKamrH-Mbu65x7jBWApXmYNlJbwo31FJsmw[/img] [color=#040BD9]Personality[/color] [hider=Personality]Thea is a surprisingly cheerful character, given her early life, with a natural enthusiasm and optimism. She appears to others as if she never takes anything seriously, always joking around with a witty or sarcastic comment ready for everything and this only gets more pronounced the more stressful the situation. Even surrounded by enemies and likely to die she has a wisecrack on her lips. Contrary to what people believe this doesn't mean that she doesn't take things seriously but quite the opposite. She learned at an early age to hide her true feelings behind a defence mechanism of the class clown but also thinks that her joking helps ease tension especially in dangerous situations. Of course this does have a downside, her inability to keep her mouth shut has often gotten her into trouble as not everyone finds her sarcasm and dry sense of humour amusing. She seems either not to care if she riles others up even further with her jokes or to lack the tact needed to recognise when she has gone too far. It doesn't help that she is blunt spoken and generally prefers not to beat around the bush or mince her words. She is not deliberately cruel or unkind but just doesn't see the point in asking a question if you don't want an honest answer. To those who call her friend however this trait is countered somewhat by her general love of life and infectious enthusiasm. Thea is fun to be around, as she always appears cheerful and as though nothing really gets to her, and other people often get caught up in her fun loving attitude. Like most people however Thea has layers to her personality and underneath the cheery persona is a young woman with very big trust issues. She keeps others at arms length never letting others too close. She is a master at deflecting personal questions or conversation with humour as well as redirecting the conversation to other things. She has a deep rooted fear of rejection, largely due to neither of her parents showing her much love, and struggles to allow others close. When she does give her trust she does so completely but if that trust is broken she will never grant a second chance to gain it back. Thea is a passionate person who feels things deeply and this frightens her as she worries it is a sign that she has inherited her mothers mental instability. Her mentor helped her somewhat with this during her time studying with him but the fear remains hidden deep inside.[/hider] [color=#040BD9]History[/color] [hider=History]Amalthea Stone was a product of a brief encounter between Mariana Lear, a Merchants daughter, and Benji Sandor, a bouncer and enforcer for a local criminal gang. Their story was the typical one, heard many many times, of a wealthy girl slumming it with a man from the streets. Mariana was bored and had managed to orchestrate an escape from her house and into the underbelly of the city. A reluctant maid accompanied her and it was pure luck that the two women were not attacked or worse. Benji Sandor was working the night in one of the Taverns and was completely captivated by Mariana when she entered. Thea takes after her mother in looks and this includes the hair. They spent a few brief hours together and then Mariana told him she had to get home in case she was missed. Benji was half in love with her by this point and asked to see her again. But Mariana, once her head had cleared decided she didn't particularly like Benji with his calloused hands and whiskered jaw. She left telling him she would not be coming back. True to her word she never returned to the area but perhaps not for the reason Benji would have thought. It was weeks later when she was looking for her next adventure that Mariana noticed that things were amiss with her body. It did not take her long to recognise the signs and realise that she was in fact pregnant. In a state of panic Mariana sent her maid to an apothecary to procure herbs for her that would end the babe before it had really begun. The maid, loyal to the core to her mistress, dutifully did as she was bade but the herbs did not work. Perhaps that is not surprising given who and what the babe was but Mariana as yet did not know that the child she carried was special. After another failed attempted to rid herself of the unborn child Mariana accepted that she had no choice but to tell her father and deal with the shame of disgracing the family. Her father had had high hopes for her marriage she knew and this would very much have ruined those plans, for what well to do man would want with a sullied bride? Her father was devastated yet, being the astute businessman that he was, his mind was already thinking on how to salvage the situation. A hasty marriage was then arranged by her father to one of his merchant colleagues, an older man, who wanted a pretty young wife and the substantial payment her father was offering. Mariana was aghast at this idea yet she knew her options were limited. Mariana was wed a short time later and Amalthea was born months after this and was given the surname Stone as this was her stepfathers name. People assumed the child was her husbands and the scandal was avoided. Harold Stone knew the child wasn't his, of course, but the money from Mariana's father went a long way to soothing his pride. It was the midwife who spotted the marks after the birth and Harold was ecstatic that he would be raising the next fire chosen. Mariana's father was equally pleased thinking of the prestige he would receive by association. Mariana was both pleased and horrified, pleased because this could only add to her status but horrified knowing how she had tried to end the child before it was born. She lived in fear that the god of fire knew what she had done and would one day punish her. Mariana had always been a little unstable emotionally, many described it as her simply being passionate, but it was in fact more than this and the fear of punishment from a god only served to make her more unstable. Her husband learned early in their marriage that it was best to keep Mariana happy and as a consequence he let her rule the household. Mariana was never deliberately cruel to her daughter, she was the next chosen after all, but she was not kind nor loving either. Thea learned young how to identify her mother's moods and what to do in order to avoid one of her rages. She was a woman of extremes going from hysterically happy to rage and then to deep depression in quick succession. Thea loved her mother despite all of this and always believed that if she always did her best that her mother would love her back. Yet Mariana only grew worse as the years passed and her father was no help, he had long since retreated into his work and was at home as little as possible. Thea spent much of her childhood caring for her mother as though she was the parent and her mother the child. Thea's only solace was Dart her familiar and Clara their maid, a kind and motherly woman. So it was a great relief when her time came to begin studying with the current fire chosen, Thea was overjoyed to learn she would be living with the chosen and therefore free of her mother. Though the guilt for feeling like this weighs heavy in Thea even today. Karkand the Fire chosen was opposite her mother in every way, a calm stoic man who said little and preferred quiet. She knew he felt things deeply for he had explained that the strength of the fire they created came from their emotions and he was powerful. They were very alike both passionate people who hid this from the world and he became the parent figure she had never known. Karkand's death therefore when it came just before her twentieth birthday was devastating for Thea. Her father died two years later and she chose to return to her mothers home and care for her mother in between her Chosen duties. She feels that this is her responsibility as her daughter yet also because despite everything she truly does love her mother and could not bear her mother to be alone with no one to care for her. [/hider] [color=#040BD9]Theme[/color] [color=#040BD9]Dialogue Color[/color] Blue - #040BD9 [color=#040BD9]Other[/color][/center] Her familiar is male and always manages to sounder older and wiser than her. He has an air of long suffering exasperation about him and is clearly used to Thea's sarcasm. (Think Giles in Buffy the Vampire slayer lol) Prefers ranged combat but can fight using her bow as a kind of stave if enemies get close. Dart hates their family home, says it's cold and draughty[/hider]