[quote=@mdk] Was gonna add this via edit, but don't wanna sneak it in under a thumbs-up so it gets a new post. [hider=popcorn! popcorn for sale! Get your popcorn!][img]http://i.magaimg.net/img/2lbo.jpg[/img][/hider] [/quote] man, those fuckers do not deserve to bear the orange-black ribbon of St. George. It is a holy ribbon that men sacrificed their lives for, that stood their ground for faith and nation. To see these soy drenched cuckolds bearing it makes me pretty pissed off, the real heroes who were awarded it would snap their faggoty spines in a second. [quote=@POOHEAD189] *Tosses [url=https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/russians-penetrated-u-s-voter-systems-says-top-u-s-n845721]this[/url] in the thread and awaits denial* [/quote] >Posts random claim without anything to substantiate it >LOL people are going to deny it