[sup]M10[/sup][color=bdbdbd][color=DBA901][center]L E S S E R D I V I N I T Y[/center][/color][hr][center]Lesser Divinity [color=ed145b]•[/color][/center] Nephilim exclusive. [color=ffffff]This discipline can only be chosen as a secondary[/color]. It is comprised of three points with one in each level from 1-3. Points in this discipline are collected and then spent at will. The means by which these points are collected are detailed in the level breakdown below. Due to the nature of this discipline, it is highly suggested that you work with your GM when creating a character with Lesser Divinity. Because abilities created can be almost anything, careful consideration needs to be put into it's conception. There is no real description of how the abilities in question should work per level since they will all ultimately differ. However, no matter what the end result may be, there is always only ever one ability granted that is generally the same across all levels. As points are collected, the ability is simply improved upon. [indent][indent][indent] [color=DBA901][sub]L E V E L 1[/sub][/color] At this level, prayers to a Nephilim's deity will grant a point. A prayer must be made every day to maintain this point or the point will fade. Prayers will also maintain any points collected beyond level 1 allowing a Nephilim to save their ability for later use without the need to continuously meet the requirements necessary for points in level 2 and 3. Abilities at level 1 are small in scale. They usually effect a single target, only last for a short duration, and no effect is permanent. Some blessings or curses are small enough to go unnoticed. [color=DBA901][sub]L E V E L 2[/sub][/color] To obtain a second point, the Nephilim must complete a task that lies in favor of their deity's alignment or the deity themselves. Acts of kindness to strangers, showing benevolence in lieu of judgement... or the exact opposite. A god of Mischief may relinquish some of their power after their hero pulls a clever prank on another. A god of Love may do the same when their hero shows someone in need warm hospitality. The act taken, whatever it may be, is judged by the GM and the point rewarded based on how much positive or negative change was made. Abilities at this level may be large enough to draw attention. Abilities can affect multiple people, last an increased duration or even alter the environment. [color=DBA901][sub]L E V E L 3[/sub][/color] This level is reached after continuous actions taken [/indent][/indent][/indent][/color]