[@WeepingLiberty] Here's my character. Let me know if I need to change anything. Thanks! :D [hider=Lucy Raine Bromley][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/4a/13/08/4a1308ecccf517d4d3a2b1254d0eb1b7.jpg[/img][/center] [color=gold][i][u]Name:[/u][/i][/color] Lucy Raine Bromley [color=gold][i][u]Age:[/u][/i][/color] 18 [color=gold][i][u]Gender:[/u][/i][/color] Female [color=gold][i][u]Description:[/u][/i][/color] Due to a combination of genetics and years of parental neglect, Lucy is a very petite girl, standing at only 4’5” (134.72 cm) and weighing 76 lbs (34.47 kg). Because of her involvement in gymnastics, she’s fairly toned, though she doesn’t have a great amount of muscle definition. Lucy possesses straight golden blonde hair that hangs down to around the small of her back, which she usually just lets hang down as she’s not a huge fan of trying to put it up or style it. Lucy’s eyes are a shade of amber that tends to resemble bronze, though they lighten to a more goldish hue in direct light. As for her usual attire, Lucy tends to prefer loose, baggier clothing that allows for adequate freedom of movement. This means that it’s quite common to see her in a loose, colorful t-shirt, a pair of baggy blue jeans, and a pair of well-worn sneakers. ~~ [color=gold][i][u]Personality:[/u][/i][/color] The best word to describe Lucy would probably have to be lively, as it seems that she generally has an unending supply of energy and excitement. This is perhaps most evident in her cheery disposition. Lucy almost always has a smile of some kind on her face and seems to go through even the most mundane of tasks with a genuine joy and a spring in her step. In fact, her unflaggable good mood is known so well among her peers that seeing her without a smile is a cause of some concern. Lucy’s exuberance also manifests itself noticeably in her tendency to be extremely extroverted. As such, she greatly enjoys being around people and talking with them about virtually anything and everything. Unfortunately, Lucy has a hard time picking up on the nonverbal cues that indicate that someone doesn’t really want to talk to her, and so it’s pretty easy for her to come across as annoying sometimes. This is especially true when she’s meeting new people for the first time, as she can easily find herself crossing their boundaries unintentionally. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Lucy is also a warm-hearted individual and is often described by her peers as lacking any sort of mean bone in her body. Lucy’s the type of person who’s always willing to provide a compliment or whatever encouragement she can offer to those around her that seem like they need it. This shouldn’t be taken to mean that her kind words are insincere, however. Whenever Lucy tries to boost someone’s spirits, she genuinely believes every word that she says. Like every other person, Lucy is not without her share of flaws. Perhaps the most noticeable would be her naivety. Lucy often has a hard time understanding that other people aren’t necessarily as kind-hearted as she is and would use her or others for their profit. As such, she can find herself being manipulated fairly easily if she’s not careful and/or doesn’t have good friends around to help her see that something’s amiss. Her naivety is made worse by the fact that Lucy is very much a follower, rather than a leader. She doesn’t have a lot of confidence in her abilities and so attempts to avoid taking a leading role whenever possible. This tendency also manifests in her reluctance to put forth her ideas in group settings no matter how good it may seem to her. Of course, she’s perfectly willing to perform her part as a member of the group. It’s just that she would rather someone else choose her part for her. Lucy also has a rather hard time with controlling her emotions and is very much a person who as a tendency to wear her heart on her sleeve. While this means that she doesn’t have the problem of bottling her emotions up until they burst forth in a flood, it also means that she is often ruled by her emotions rather than logic. As an example, in the rare case where she gets upset, she’s much more inclined to react emotionally by snapping at people or yelling than trying to deal with the issue in a calm manner. Additionally, this difficulty in controlling her emotions also causes Lucy to be rather sensitive to the moods, actions, and words of others, which is one of the reasons she has a strong aversion to conflict and actively tries to avoid it. [color=gold][i][u]History:[/u][/i][/color] To put it bluntly, Lucy’s childhood was far from perfect. Her parents were often neglectful of her and her four older siblings and seemed to feel as if they had been trapped in a crumbling marriage. This obviously lead to a very tangible feeling of animosity that permeated the house and left everyone on edge, particularly Lucy. When her parents weren’t ignoring each other or their children, they were often fighting loudly, their shouts echoing throughout the house as the kids kept clear lest they get caught up in it. Unfortunately, their older children often emulated this way of interacting with each other, which just intensified the tension that seemed to always hang over the household. Though being the youngest child meant that Lucy wasn’t exposed to as much of the hostility in the household as her siblings, she certainly wasn’t immune. Her oldest two siblings, Zoe and Tim, were ten and eight years older than her respectively, so they were, if anything, too overprotective of their baby sister and were generally pleasant to be around. The twins on the other hand, Max and Mary, were only five years older than she was and so had no real qualms with bullying Lucy to make her do what they wanted as they grew up. Eventually, they more or less outgrew it, though by that time they had already instilled in Lucy the idea that she didn’t have the ability to really contribute to a group or be a leader. Around the time that Lucy was eight years old, her parents finally decided to bite the bullet and get a divorce. Of course, as most young children do, Lucy couldn’t help but fear that she had some part to play in the decision, which definitely did no favors for the girl’s mental health. Ultimately, it was decided that they would alternate custody every other week. This really just meant that once every other week, Lucy and her siblings were unwilling spectators to their parents’ fights, and that they would hear unending complaints and bitter words spoken of the other for the rest of the week. After the divorce, things seemed to gradually get worse and worse. Both of her parents seemed to become more neglectful, with her father being content to simply sit in front of the television with a six pack of beer and with her mother disappearing regularly for nights on the town. They also became a lot harsher when interacting with the children still at home, often belittling their interests or shouting if they were bothered for anything that they felt was unimportant. One of the few bright spots during this time were the regular calls that Lucy received from Zoe, who had gone off to college before the divorce. Zoe always had a few words of encouragement for Lucy and always listened to whatever she had to say during their conversations. By the time she was eleven, things had gotten bad enough at home that the school administrators were beginning to question things. On a number of occasions, the guidance counselor pulled Lucy aside to talk with her, but the twins had insisted she say nothing and so the effort was in vain. But, during that same time period, Zoe graduated from college and settled down in a small suburb near the university. Once she was sure that she was financially secure, she tried to get custody of Lucy, unable to hold off from intervening any longer. As it turned out, it wasn’t really that difficult. Once the case started, the evidence of neglect was staggering, and it was fairly simple to grant Zoe custody of her younger sister. The twins were seventeen by this point, and so opted to be independent instead. Finally removed from the toxic home environment, Lucy seemed to bloom into the cheerful, exuberant girl that she is today. With her older sister’s encouragement to try new things and her support of Lucy’s interests, Lucy found that she had a love for gymnastics, painting, sculpting, and just generally expressing herself through a variety of creative outlets. Similarly, with a strong support structure at home, Lucy was able to excel at school and make a number of solid friendships throughout the years. ~~ [color=gold][i][u]Elemental Alignment:[/u][/i][/color] Aether [color=gold][i][u]Crystal Form:[/u][/i][/color] A silver ring with a large stone in the center and two smaller on either side. ~~ [color=gold][i][u]Other:[/u][/i][/color] ~Might add some stuff here later.[/hider]