[color=bdbdbd][color=ffffff][quote=@Cu Chulainn] This looks pretty interesting, and it seems like a lot of thought has been put into the system so far. I do have a few questions before I officially proclaim interest, however. First off, our points basically work as mana, or an energy resource, yes?[/quote][/color] Yes. Points represent two things: a mages level and the available points or "mana" that they have access to when casting a spell. Keep in mind, not all magic manipulation requires points. Many of the base elements for example allow for small manipulation of those elements without needless waste. It's only when casting spells or influencing elements at extreme levels that point cost comes into play. You only have so many and some spells cost quite so there is a small point management meta. [color=ffffff][quote=@Cu Chulainn] Do we also require a secondary discipline, or are we able to specialize without being a Vampire?[/quote][/color] A secondary discipline is technically not required but not selecting one would leave a mage at a disadvantage. You [i]can[/i] fly without any magic if you'd like. Your secondary discipline must be either one of the elements or that of the summoner. That also includes specializing in the same element as your secondary if you'd like. Water and water becomes Ice. Fire and Fire becomes plasma. These are all hidden behind the base mechanics and something I am going to explore with each individual player before we begin. I'll be creating with them their own mix of magic from the primary and secondaries they pick. [color=ffffff]I'll also have a recipe book or general guidelines for creating your own spells.[/color] The remaining disciplines, such as Vampirism, have their own rules. They're still being developed but I can say that some may be allowed as a third option that can work with, or against, a player's primary and secondaries. [color=ffffff][quote=@Cu Chulainn] And finally, what sort of capabilities do you have planned for Lesser Divinity, so far?[/quote][/color] So this discipline is based on the relationship each Niphilim has with the god they're tied too. All the gods in the game are aligned with the light or the dark. Good and bad. A player picks a god and I hash out with them a specific ability that their god grants them. To activate that ability, they need to complete acts of either kindness or malevolence depending on what alignment their chosen deity is. Complete these acts grants points there by charging the ability and making it stronger over time... or weaker if they end up doing the opposite. Same point system applies here. I'm still working on specifics like what exactly those abilities should entail, if I should make a list of available gods or let a player choose one. It's currently the last discipline still in on my drawing board. [/color]