Hey i may be interested. I had a character from a previous gods rp that didnt last. Let me know what you think. [hider=Telios - The Sun Lord][b]Name:[/b] [color=orange]Telios[/color] - The Sun Lord [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Telios' mortal form][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dynastywarriors/images/d/d0/Achilles_Concept_%28WLT%29.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140131223959[/img][/hider] [hider=Telios' war form][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/ed4c/f/2014/286/5/8/587114113600bfe4e15fd1b720a4751f-d82octf.jpg[/img][/hider] Telios stands at fourteen feet tall, weighing 1,300 pounds. He has a powerful muscular build with blonde shoulder length hair and piercing hazel eyes. His skin tone is tanned. On his right shoulder is a large sun tattoo. [b]Personality:[/b] Telios is a very confident and bold god. He speaks directly, wanting communication to be precise and to the point. He doesn't deal in uncertainty; preferring things to be set in stone. Just as the sun illuminates all things, so he makes his intentions perfectly clear. If he dislikes someone, he tells them to their face. If he falls in love, you'd better believe they're going to hear about it. And he does [i]not[/i] give up easily. He likes to watch and partake in elaborate games, testing strength, will and passion. Telios enjoys a good party, loving a good time. He is always on the lookout for the perfect bride and currently had his eyes set on the Goddess of War. He likes getting people to work together for common goals. Telios is protective and caring to the those he loves. If another crosses one of them, he will not hesitate to offer his full support and strike the aggressor/s down with a vengeance. He is bored by politics, but realizes there is a time and place for it. Telios feels a sense of duty towards the throne after his father's demise and believes himself to be the rightful heir to the throne. He harbors certain feelings of resentment toward those who warred against Ephra. He tries not to let it effect his actions towards them often. [b]Major Domain:[/b] The Sun. [b]Minor Domains:[/b] The Sky and Purity. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Telios' major weaknesses are; intrigue, deceit and plots. He sees things from a very upfront view, rarely being able to discern the hidden intentions of the heart. Despite being able to easily illuminate and eliminate direct threats (physical, magical etc.), Telios' status as firstborn heir has blinded him to the threats, trickery, and conspiracies that others frequently utilize. If other's conspired against him, without the help of faithful allies, his light could be snuffed out. That isn't to say that he is stupid. Only that if someone he trusts or believes to have good intentions turns on him, he would be blindsided by it. Another weakness of his is that any wounds he receives in his human or war form cannot be healed simply by turning into light. God weapons are able to wound him even in his ethereal light form. While in his war form, Telios expends a fair amount of energy and is not able to stay in it longer then a day at a time. [b]Your Avatar:[/b] [hider=The Phoenix][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/6a82/f/2015/034/c/2/c23694d981b8fe93a89a4c05933f4a29-d5mdly4.jpg[/img][/hider] is the most perfect creation of Telios' domain. He spent many years trying to perfect it until it was finally fashioned. A being made of pure sunlight, yet is able to maintain a physical form through condensing its' energy. It is the only creature that receives all of its' sustenance from the sun. Having no need for prey. The phoenix's size, weight and wingspan differs anywhere from a few feet, fifty pounds to forty-five feet and thousands of pounds. The real strengths' the phoenix possesses is in its' speed, power and rebirth abilities. Its' normal speed is that of the fastest birds of prey. When it is in its' ignited form, however, it is able to reach speeds of hundreds of miles per hour. It's abilities include; flapping it's wings to create blasts of super heated flames, melting solid objects with its' talons into liquid, and even reverting into a light form to fly underwater, albeit unable to produce its' signature flame. It can also slam into enemies directly. The fastest of dive bombers. It explodes upon impact with devastating, purifying light/flame to the immediate area. Afterward, out of the ashes, it will rise again in a smaller form. It is extremely hard to destroy, due to it constantly rising out of the ashes that it turns into after death. Because of the domain of purity, it is able to burn corruption, death, undeath and darkness with an even greater ferocity. If one is able to entrap, submerge or eliminate the ashes a phoenix rises from, it can be defeated. It takes roughly a week for the Avatar Pheonix to regain its' full size, though if Telios empowers it, the avatar can be reformed within an hour. [b]Stance:[/b] Being the firstborn of Ephra has given Telios a sense of duty. He believes that he must take on the burden of leadership that his father once had. After all, the firstborn is next in the line of succession. Though he believes the pantheon should look much different. Starting with him as the head with a similarly powered, close line of upper gods. Followed by the regular ones. [b]Loyalty During the Rebellion:[/b] Telios was an adamant supporter of King Ephra. He fought directly by his side leading many of his own against the usurpers. [b]Center of Power:[/b] [hider=The sun sphere][img]https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.ScqAlT_wSv-lHWMF8DYNAwD6D6&pid=15.1&H=160&W=160&P=0[/img][/hider] is the size of a softball colored with a glowing yellow/orange flame as bright as the sun itself. It is housed within Telios' temple within the city of Dawn. [b]Relations:[/b] [b]Allies:[/b] Nature(!), Stars(^), Storms(?), Fertility(?), Knowledge(?), Dragons(!), Justice(^), Predator(!) [b]Friends:[/b] War, Mankind, Life, Hunt, Creation [b]Neutral:[/b] Sea, Death, Lust, Underworld/Death?, Sorrows, Forge, Dream, Moon [b]Dislikes:[/b] Corruption, Darkness, Mischief, Murder, Fire, Ice [b]Hostile:[/b] Undeath [b]Powers:[/b] Telios is a powerful being of light and purity. Trained by his father Ephra in the art of war and command, he institutes his experiences in battle. Telios is able to perform clever tactics, outwitting his enemies in a fight through feints, mind games and field control. He uses the power of light combined with purity to banish undeath, darkness and other forms of blight through light and purity. This light can span from a few degrees to thousands depending on the concentration and energy used. His preferred method of attack is from the sky in his personal chariot carried by summoned pegasil. There he can rain down flashes and beams of concentrated light which incinerate objects beneath like heat lasers. He can fly without the chariot, but he prefers to ride alongside his soldiers in similar fashion. He can fashion energy into miniature suns which explode on impact in a fusion reaction. These can cause enormous destruction beneath. His light can illuminate the darkest of forces as well as pierce through powerful illusions, magical or otherwise. His piercing light sees through the deception. Solar flare is an ability he can use to blind all manner of enemies with the brightest light imaginable. Even gods are effected by it, and sight is severely limited to them. While in war form, he can keep his solar flare active blinding enemies and allies alike. He can move at extremely fast speeds, turning himself into light to almost teleport across the land and sky. His skill with the gladius and hoplite shield are nothing to be underestimated either. Telios is able to fight with his preferred weapons at masterful levels. Almost rivaling War in his ability. Concerning defense, Telios is able to form bubbles of hard-light energy that displace physical and magical attacks to a certain strength. His shield burns and deflects most normal attacks before they reach him and as a fallback, his armor can burn the rest. When in combat the intense heat that emanates from himself and his equipment can reach the levels of the sun. Due to his sky domain, he is able to levitate and move objects around him in a large radius. [b]Godly Equipment:[/b] Telios' equipment consists of; a gladius sword, hoplite shield, helmet, and a full set of armor. All of these items are made with the densest materials and powerful light Telios is capable of creating. His gladius sword, armor and shield are able to reach degrees as hot as the sun itself while he releases his energy in war form. His sword can cut through just about anything the heat of a star could, imbued with purity essence. Telios can also send out beams of light from his gladius sword that burn beings and gods alike. The width of these beams is about a foot in diameter. They move at the speed of light, able to reach their targets extremely fast. His shield burns and repels attacks that reach him, while his armor protects him as a last resort. [b]Demi Gods:[/b] First son: Telos was born from one of Telios' own people. He stands 9 ft tall and weighs approx 350 pounds. He is 19 years of age. He is currently training with the goddess of war to learn better skills in combat and to rule with his father. He has a inward, ambitious personality. He rarely sees eye to eye with his father, though he does respect him. He has most of the abilities of his father, albeit much lesser in power. his desire is to one day become a God himself. [b]Name of your Land:[/b] Solas [b]Lands:[/b] [center][hider=The Plains][img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/b113/th/pre/i/2014/186/4/3/corinth_by_jbrown67-d7pcxej.jpg[/img][/hider][hider=Cliffside][img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/8483/th/pre/i/2017/205/9/7/heterodoxy_eagle_s_keep_by_gworld-dbhi49m.jpg[/img][/hider][/center]Solas is a land of plains, rivers, mountains and a vast expanse of open sky. There is only day within Solas, no night. Rivers run through large portions of the land. In the center of the land are huge mountains that can be seen from all around. At the top of the highest mountain is the capital city of Dawn. The Sun God temple is in this city. Here is where politics and riches are in full motion. One of its' greatest attractions is "The Sky Games." There are many cliff faces and scenic views from the heights of the mountains, along with watchtowers and flying creature aviaries. These aviaries are where the creatures of prey are kept and bred for war. At the base of the mountains, are valleys that larger bodies of water rest at, flowing into rivers across the plains. These plains span in a circular radius from the valleys in every direction forming a circle around them, in the shape of the sun. There are many towns, cities and ranches spanning the plains. All the materials of the land were created by Telios, besides water. These materials were imbued with the essence of his light within them. This results in minerals, plains, rivers and all other objects within his realm to have the essence of purity within them. [b]People:[/b] [hider=The Sun Folk][img]https://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrNH8DQLvVZ3h8AT54.nIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTIzdnUwcWtqBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANlOTRjOWM3YzNiMzlmNjczMzJiYjExNjcxOGRkMDkwZgRncG9zAzM2BGl0A2Jpbmc-?.origin=&back=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fyhs%2Fsearch%3Fp%3Dsun%2Bcreatures%26fr2%3Dpiv-web%26ri%3D36%26hsimp%3Dyhsm-002%26hspart%3Dmozilla%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D36&w=814&h=592&imgurl=1.bp.blogspot.com%2F_51LCYkM192g%2FTCVrnd9M9OI%2FAAAAAAAAAU8%2F_hn3j03g2gs%2Fs1600%2F129298%2B%255BSun%2BTitan%255Dfinal2.jpg&rurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FmagicTCG%2Fcomments%2F1tuqb5%2Fwhat_is_the_coolest_looking_creature_of_each%2F&size=93.2KB&name=What+is+the+coolest+looking+%3Cb%3Ecreature%3C%2Fb%3E&p=sun+creatures&oid=e94c9c7c3b39f67332bb116718dd090f&fr2=piv-web&fr=&tt=What+is+the+coolest+looking+%3Cb%3Ecreature%3C%2Fb%3E&b=0&ni=21&no=36&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=12vqne6se&sigb=13s49emph&sigi=139cs7voe&sigt=11bd5ef9k&sign=11bd5ef9k&.crumb=IynSYKoRkSU&fr2=piv-web&hsimp=yhsm-002&hspart=mozilla[/img][/hider] The main intelligent race of Solas are the Sun Folk. They are a race of humanoids that derive their sustenance directly from sunlight and water. They are slightly wider and bulkier in girth then typical humans and are tougher then the average human. They sport yellow/orange like skin. They were created by the purest of essences of light Telios had available. This results in a race that is incorruptible by outside forces. They do not sleep, but bask in the glow of the sun to refresh themselves. If they do not receive their natural food/water they will perish over time. [b]Culture:[/b] The Sun Folk are builders, warriors, artisans and craftsmen. They have no need for food so they dedicate that time to building great works as well as training the creatures of the land. They enjoy competition and often watch and play within The Sky Games. They forge equipment and weapons from materials imbued with Telios' light. All things made from Solas are made with essence of light. This gives all buildings, goods, materials and other crafted objects a certain golden gleam to them. The architecture of the Sun Folk is that of a Greco-Roman bent. Columns, pillars and the like. There is a class system of sorts; the upper, middle and lower. Since all needs are met by the sun, there is rarely any animosity for differing classes. Everyone is capable of raising themselves and their families through merit. [b]Technology:[/b] The technology level of Solas is that of a late Roman era of civilization before the dark ages. Their charioteers and pegasil riders are able to take to the skies and rain down arrows of fire and light. All weapons, armor and equipment are imbued directly with the essence of purity and light of Telios. This allows them to withstand greater punishment, especially from darker forces. On the offense, their weapons are imbued with this same energy which makes defeating dark forces easier. Everything is stamped with the symbol of the sun. [b]Capital:[/b] The Capital of Solas is [hider=Dawn][img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/8bdc/th/pre/f/2015/230/d/8/paliano__the_high_city_by_adampaquette-d966ko7.jpg[/img][/hider] Telios inhabits a large temple above the top of the center most mountain overlooking all of Solas. This temple is an enormous acropolis. It is able to land on the earth and float in the air. In order to reach it in the air, one must climb to the top of the highest mountain and be lifted up by a beam of light. Underneath are vast expanses of buildings lining the the flat top of the mountain. Here, the Sun Folk's aristocrats discuss politics, war, and governance of the land that Telios' is bored by. He is informed only of the most important of matters. [hider=The Sky Games][img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/52f1/th/pre/i/2016/147/a/1/uldeen_s_remake_by_olly_lawson-da3ykwh.jpg[/img][/hider]are one of the greatest attractions of Dawn. Here all manner of sports ranging from; combative, racing, archery, lifting, and magic are played. Great warriors, magicians and many other athletes compete for great wealth and honor. In recent years, Telios has decreed that other nations and gods are welcome to compete in The Sky Games. With this he hopes to improve comradeship among the fractured gods. Only those who are neutral, friendly or allies of The Sun Lord are welcome to attend. [b]Beings:[/b] Other beings that inhabit the land of Solas are phoenixes, griffins, pegasil, hawks, eagles and countless other creatures of the air. On the ground are the main food of the predators; the sun bison. They roam the plains and eat of the grass of the fields. Large animals with tusks. They give a plentiful amount of meat to the hunter creatures. For warfare, trained griffins are given armor and used in combat. They are ferocious beasts, with the speed of an eagle, but the strength of a lion. Pegasil are used by scouts, cavalry and even for use domestically. They make for a very effective means of travel. The phoenix is the most intelligent of the creatures and follows its' creator's voice very closely, obeying his will.[/hider]