[img]https://i.imgur.com/sEOIhZw.png[/img] [center][color=a187be][b][i]Annabeth Gulch[/i][/b][/color][/center] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/224038393405767680/334424006268682240/Keri_Wolf.png[/img] [/center] The sight of the college was a welcomed sight to behold. Considering the months on playing mediator to lords and ladies, who had said they would help their home, granted certain things could force them to change their minds. Only time could tell what would happen after such a unique adventure. Keri’s figure slowly shifted while the carriage moved up the walkway making the soft movement much more comfortable to the vampire. Her hand once again dipped inside the freshly burnt bag, dragging more candies out, and popped them inside her mouth. As the carriage stopped directly at the college forcing the girl out of a silent slumber. Her red eyes opened as the other student worked their way from their ride. Separating ways in order to see those they've missed granted a brand new smell filled the woman's nose causing it to twitch slightly. Her figure moved from the back of the carriage, mind running with guesses about what this new scent was, making the woman tell the teachers about this. As well as the wonderful guards who walked the grounds. After this she could go home and relax for the rest of the night. Keri walked around the grounds for the nearest person. Her eyes searching for the nearest person. When the young woman seemed to have found a guard she noticed that they seemed already aware of the new scent. In a way this was for the best considering the student's safety. So the young woman continued towards the tower which she call home with her lover. Granted the surprise which was sprung out into the light was much more than she bargained for. [Color=silver]”Annabeth. I was unaware we had company. I'll be gone in a moment. I just need to put everything away. Hello Colette.”[/color] [color=a187be]”Ah Keri, it’s been too long!”[/color] Annabeth went up to her vampire friend and gave her a warm embrace. [color=a187be]”Felt like ages since I’ve last seen you. How was your mission?”[/color] Letting Keri go, Annabeth bundled herself up again as she waited outside of Keri and Colette’s room. She was a bit jealous how they had a room up in this nice tower, but Annabeth supposed she should be happy that she has a two-people dorm all to herself. Sure she could always ask for a roommate, but Annabeth has come to enjoy the luxury of having a space to herself. Though that was just another thing that Annabeth felt was making her grow soft. [color=a187be][i]”I should probably talk to Keri about it too. Maybe she needs some training or something else she’s been avoiding?”[/i][/color] [Color=silver]”I hate political events so the mission was very uncomfortable. I found out that I never want to go back ever again because I missed you two. Granted we were in a sticky situation for a while due to a thief stealing the object Lucilia gave us. I also found out that fire is a vampire's worst enemy when inside a warehouse. Annabeth you can come inside the room you know.”[/color] Keri said as she walked toward Colette and gave her a passionate kiss before leaving the area. Colette smiled at the sight of her girlfriend. She was changed into a black strapless silken dress. The bottom of her dress was slightly see through and she had separate sleeves that reached just close to the beginning of her hands. Her hair was down, slightly damp from her bath. She looked at Annabeth when Keri was out of sight and ear shot. [color=lavender]”I don’t..,know if I should tell her about the mission. She was always protective of me, if she found out....”[/color] She twiddled her thumbs. [Color=silver]”What are you two hiding any ways? Other than you and Annabeth had some alone time within the bath house. If it's about the mission I promise I won't get mad babe.”[/color] She remarked taking the ring off the piece of string around her upper thigh. [color=a187be]”Oh! Well you see Keri, Colette, myself, and the others we....”[/color] Annabeth paused and thought about what to tell Keri. Frankly, even Annabeth wasn’t too sure what happened. Everything was so chaotic and honestly the only thing she was concerned about was getting out of there alive. She never did figure out what that entire fiasco was about. Annabeth sat down onto Keri’s bed as she took off her heavy cloak, hanging it on the corner of Keri’s bedpost. [color=a187be]”Well, we went into the Nox. There were all sorts of crazy monsters in there and… A lot of students died. Me and Colette stuck together but there were a lot of close calls. It made me realize that I… I’m not as strong as I’d like to be. My magic was useless there. My sword…. Couldn’t hurt them at all.”[/color] Annabeth let out a sad sigh as she laid back on the bed. [Color=silver]”I see. Close calls happen every time we go out Annabeth. Mistakes will be made, even from vampires, as well as humans. Personally I think humans have it easier. Yes, vampires have unnatural reflexes and inhuman strength which causes others to crave such powers but humans are able to do much more than we can't. You're able to walk among the sun without any worries, able to continue your family bloodlines without any problems, and you're able to grow as a person.”[/color] Keri said with a hand held up before Colette could get mad. [Color=silver]”What I'm trying to say is the one thing that matters, the most important part to me. Is that you both come out alive.”[/color] [color=a187be]”So I spoke to Colette about it, and I think I need to focus on training again. That means that we might not be able to spend as much time together, unless you want to train with me. And not just with magic either; I’ve been pretty slack about my swordsmanship, so I’m thinking of finding a good teacher here at the college to hone my skills. You two should think about what you need to improve on too. Magic, skills, or even if it’s just your health.”[/color] The uncomfortable feeling that Colette felt earlier that night returned like a sack of bricks. She didn’t know if she could handle not seeing Annabeth. She barely saw her enough as it is. She thought about what Annabeth was saying. She did need improvements in her weaponing skills and her magic skills as well. She shifted and sighed silently. She looked at Keri and Annabeth, the two woman she loved the most. [Color=silver]”Why don't we all go to Athlausfor training? I've been considering learning his different tricks for battle. Honestly after the fight with a pyromancer I really need to learn a close quarters weapon and a new hiding place for the candies. Granted they seem to be wearing off more each day. Perhaps I should consider mortal’s blood before every mission.” The vampire stated. [color=lavender]”There was more to the mission, I ended up disappearing suddenly remember Annabeth.”[/color]She blurted out before covering her mouth. [Color=silver]”Colette you know you can tell me everything. I’ve already talked to Lynn's father before you went on that mission to the Nox. Even Athlaussaid things would get unpredictable. Hence I was expecting unplanned injuries and a massive story. Granted I'm not looking forward to hearing it but I can always make you forget all those things.” She said with a wink. Annabeth glances at Colette when she blurted out her name. Admittedly the entire mission was a huge mess of chaos and emotions, so she wasn’t sure what Colette must have witnessed that Annabeth didn’t. [color=a187be]”Keri is right. You don’t need to keep secrets Colette, we’ll understand.”[/color] As for Keri’s previous comment about training with Athlaus, Annabeth considered it. He seemed pretty skilled with a sword though she wasn’t sure if his swordsmanship could work with hers. Still Annabeth was willing to look into it. Colette blushed hearing Keri’s comment about helping her forget things that happened on the mission. Though when she heard Keri’s suggestion of going to Alatus for training and she began to think about it. It sounded like a good idea in her opinion. She looked at Annabeth and sighed. She began to tell her things that happened on the mission in her eyes, even when she vanished and was alone with a male. She shivered as she got to more of the violent and chaotic parts of the mission and held her arms tightly. Just remembering it was enough to give her day nightmares. She could still hear the roars and screams like she was still in the Nox. Keri noticed the sudden action which added some concern. Her figure slowly walked towards her lover. The girl’s chin laying upon the crook of her neck with gently kisses leading upwards. Her arms wrapped around Colette’s body. The vampire’s soft breathing entering the air as she swayed both people back and forth. [color=silver]”You don’t have to go through the memories alone. I want to help you because I love you so much. As does Annabeth. I promise I won’t be mad. Nor will I ever hate you. You taught me what it means to have a heart once again. So please trust me with every worry you have. Let me show you everything that I learned from you and Annabeth. Let me worry about you every day because you are someone I want to live the rest of eternity with.”[/color] Annabeth joined Keri and Colette’s hug. There really wasn’t much else Annabeth could do or say that she hasn’t already. All she needed now was for Colette to talk to them. And no matter how long it’ll take, Annabeth was going to be right at Colette’s side to hear it. She nuzzled Colette, opposite of Keri, kissing her neck to her cheek. [color=a187be]”We’re ready to listen whenever you are Colette. Anytime…. Anyplace… Just call, and we’ll be right there.”[/color] She nodded and hugged to then both. She smiled at the two, happy to know they were in her life. She kissed Keri on the lips before kissing Annabeth as well. [color=lavender]”Shall we have some fun?”[/color] [Color=silver]”Sneaky little woman. I do believe you’re gaining bad habits from Annabeth. Granted that I'm gaining several bad habits on missions.”[/color] She said nuzzling into the crook of Colette's neck. Her eyes slowly closing to allow both women's scent to fill her mind. For once Keri didn't want to think logically and for a massively good reason. Right now all she wanted was right here. In the comforts of the vampire's home.