[h3][color=fff200]Vera Wynn[/color][/h3] Vera proudly stepped aside to make way for the teacher, who was walking between the 'mirrors' to inspect her work. Before being made to perform the task, she had considered herself sufficiently creative with her use of the element. The current reflective trick had not crossed her mind, and it made her realize how versatile her gift could be. There was so much exploring left to be done, and she looked forward to discovering what more she could achieve. Amber orbs met the stern sapphire gaze as Vera's new mentor left her with some advice as well as instruction. The teacher was probably right, her time at the academy so far had been difficult, yet also the most fulfilling. She could tell that things were about to get even more intense, though, she was certain that there would be no regretting what she was about to get herself into. She had come a long way from her life of comfort back home and was determined to make the most of what the school could do for her. She nodded, giving the young woman a last smile of enthusiasm. "Understood, Ma'am." Vera then looked back at her handiwork, taking once last glance at her reflection before releasing her control over the light. She sighed in satisfaction as the reflected images blurred before vanishing completely. It was only then when she realized how mentally drained she was after putting in all that concentration. It would be best to rest her mind while waiting for the next part of the test. [@Feisty-Pants] [h3][color=ed1c24]Valeria Rubio[/color][/h3] Valeria spun around in shock at the boy's remark, though, her stunned expression gradually shifted into a smirk. "Ah, not very confident of your own abilities, I see." That was the first thing she assumed, at least, and even if that was not the case, she thought it fair to let him know what his decision to refuse to participate and instead tease a fellow student made it look like. "Very well, if that's what you wish. I'll be off to get the girl her clothes." Valeria then turned back around and proceeded to continue on her way. Being a relatively new teacher, she and the boy hardly knew each other, if at all, and he had absolutely no reason to speak to [i]her[/i] like that. It was not to be taken personally, for as a staff member, she was merely a representative of the academy. He was obviously angry, but at what exactly, she could not be sure, at least not yet. He had to realize at some point that his behavior was not going to solve any of his problems. She looked forward to getting him to open up about his issues, but until then, she would be keeping a close watch on him. [@Zelosse]