[h2]Sir Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] Having pushed her way to the front, Tyaethe was one of the most baffled by the lord's response. For someone to be so blind to what was right in front of them was... simply wrong. The lord wasn't [i]that[/i] old, either, and to simply be blind to the conflict seemed all too explicit a denial. But was he still going to be able to refute its existence when confronted with something other than a visual indication? Moving fast, so that hopefully she could get it done before any guards fulfilled their duties and did their best to cut her down, the paladin grabbed Brennan's arm--and planted his hand straight on her breastplate. A breastpltae coated from top to bottom in a thick layer of tacky, still-wet troll blood. [hr] [h2]Lilianna Belwiss[/h2] Senile...? No, the younger Lord Brennan would have been taking over his father's duties in general if that was the case. But if the Earl was otherwise fit for command, then a delay in the defences would give the orcs a better chance at achieving... whatever inscrutable goal it was that orcs said out to do. Or rather, the goal that whatever magic user was with them had set? Perhaps a curse of some sort that had failed to weaken the town's defences to the point they could be broken before reinforcements had arrived. ... though [i]that idiot[/i] had some strange idea about how to address magical befuddlement.