[center][i][color=f49ac2]seems someone wants me to say hello Hope. [/color][/i][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/y1LQSx2.png?4[/img][/center] Hope, having been caught up in the picture she had just taken of Fluffy, was brought back to reality at Astrid's words. [color=Red]"Oh-"[/color] She looked over in the direction of Olivia who was still waving Astrid over. She gave a brief chuckle at the mental image of the strange newcomer being surrounded by the two girls and both of their large furry friends. [color=Red]"-Well, tell Olivia I said Hi for me. And here, a New Years present just for you."[/color] Hope said before their final goodbye as she gave Astrid the picture of Fluffy. Scanning the growing party with her beaming smile Hope was looking for her next photography subject or someone else to chat with when out of the corner of her eye she spotted Grayson arrive with a literal cart full of goodies. Knowing it was just a matter of time until said cart was emptied by the townsfolk who couldn't resist Grayson's cooking Hope quickly made her way in that direction while grabbing a drink along the way. She almost took one of Waconias tasty looking concoctions but then thought water would be the safer choice for what she had in mind. She had reached the cart only to find its owner sitting on the ground trying to catch his breathe. Naturally Hope snapped a quick photo of the currently sweating red faced hot mess that was Grayson. Using the developing picture as a fan she lightly waved the soon to be picture back and forth infront of her face while grinning down at Grayson. [color=Red]"You look like Red after a couple of hours in the forge."[/color] She offered him the glass of water [color=Red]"And that's not a compliment by the way."[/color] Turning her attention to the cart itself her eyes danced across the muffins and salad before finally coming to rest on the three heavenly looking Cream Puffs. Without asking she took one and took a healthy sized bite before making a sound one might mistake for indecent [color=Red]"Oh my gosh-"[/color] She said between chewing [color=Red]"-sooo goood"[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/rBXDdmw.png?4[/img][right][img]https://i.imgur.com/FPidGBD.png?4[/img][/right] [color=7386ad]"What's good?"[/color] Came a soft mouseish voice followed immediately by the answer of a more assertive and just slightly rougher sounding [color=eebc51]"Grayson's food, stupid."[/color] Yet again a different voice chimed in without skipping a beat, this one as clear as the last but with an upbeat inflection that was clearly trying not to sound annoyed [color=Yellow]"Don't call her stupid, stupid."[/color] [b]"Listen to your sister."[/b] Came the deepest and gruffest voice among the approaching group. If the voices weren't recognizable the sight of the family as they made their way up the last few steps into the party sure was-it was the Rosemonts, an almost stereotypical family consisting of local farm owner Hawthorn and his three daughters. [img]https://i.imgur.com/66MpPiN.png?2[/img][right][img]https://i.imgur.com/Ihx5DAi.png?2[/img][/right] Knowing the family rather well since she often made the trip into town to buy produce from them face to face Hope could tell right away that it would be best if she quickly diffused the slight tension between Daisy and Lilly before it grew into something worse. [color=red]"Daisy is half right though. Grayson's outdone himself yet again! Here, you gotta try these Cream Puffs, you can have the resta mine Daisy." [/color] She gave her a wink. [color=red]"I know your not scared of cooties." [/color] Hawthorn, seemingly having lost all interest in the conversation of the young, merely gave Grayson a nod and grunt of acknowledgment along with an actual [b]"Evenin"[/b] for Hope before stomping off in the direction of Mayor McByrd. Based on the large wicker basket strapped to his back and filled to the brim with with the last of his winter vegetables it was clear he was looking for a spot to unload his contribution to the party. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/yaLC8lw.png?1[/img][/center] Red had felt himself literally cringe when called out by Astrid-luckily no one else, specifically his sister, seemed to deem it worth trying to get him to stay. He couldn't say he blamed them. He had been making his way down the steps just as Waconia was on her way up. [color=f2a19d]"You trying to leave before I even arrive Red?"[/color] she asked with a smirk as if already knowing the answer. Red found himself biting his tongue as that was exactly what he was doing-it was just his luck to run into the one person he didn't want to see (but actually really wanted to see) just on his way out. Before he found the words to respond she was already continuing on up the steps and Red was suddenly mentally kicking himself. He was extra glad he was leaving the party before he could look even stupider. Taking the last few steps a bit quicker he was just in time to see Grayson doing his best to take his cart, which was made for flat surfaces, up the stony flight of stairs. Making eye contact with Grayson Red almost offered to help but then just kept walking, fully determined to not be drug back into the party.