Yet another reason I delve into roleplaying is that frankly, stores by themselves are entertaining and all in some cases, but having the dynamic of another independent agent with free will is far more exciting, namely so if there is more than one variable. Now, this obviously can range from a non-factor, such as players who contribute very little in terms of character, involvement, or development, to outright frustrating by those who are too overbearing or problematic. The fine niche in between is the rarest and most difficult, where it is a pleasure to be awaiting a response because it shakes up and alters the chemistry and dynamic, but at the same time is not based upon waiting too long and does not consistently or continually disappoint. While writing along and alone I can always invent a plot or story that plays by itself quite well, it hasn't that true depth of freedom another player, or rather players, afford. The downside is, is that one becomes reliant on them to actually participate. Admittedly I would much rather have a mediocre partner who posts frequently than an amazing partner who posts rarely. Why? Because one I can work with - with an average company who is consistent, I can still keep the story flowing and twist, bend, turn, and change it as I whim within my limits. With the other I spend days, weeks, perhaps even months awaiting something I now need deconstruct then continue with again, then find myself in a void awaiting another reply. That is another reason I so choose to roleplay rather than write alone, to get that social dynamic going. Sadly, that is all too rare.