Here we are, I probably did something wrong so any help would be appreciated or any critiques. [@ScreenAcne] By the way, wasn't really sure on the whole powers setup, from what I gathered if I just have one ability then my power stat will only effect that one right? I'd get a +3? [hider=Silacetus, The Mother] [b]Essential - [/b][b](N)[/b] [b]Appearance[/b] - [hider=The Form of a Mother] [img][/img] 'A Mother's touch is a precious thing.' [/hider] [b]Personality[/b] - [hider=A Mother's Mind] Silacetus is a creature of nature, twisted by beauty of her own desires. Such beauty is seldom known to others, for not every creature can be a mother. The aches and pains of such entitlement are only known to such a precious few. Little ones are the ultimate pinnacle of a union between partners, to be treated with love and care till the end of days. A mother only asks for affection from her offspring in return, what would be better than that? If such affection can not be received then only pain awaits, endlessly without abandon. Silacetus only craves children who will listen, who only care about what can serve her to fulfillment. She can be kind and caring, or destructive and cruel in a moments notice. She desires more for herself and to a lesser extent, her children. She has little qualms about what is right and wrong in the world, she simply exists to fulfill her own goals and desires, no matter what the cost is. [/hider] [b]Powers List[/b] [hider=Parturition] Silectus is a mother to her core, but not to man that ploughs the fields, or the beasts who walk the land, nor to the creatures of the water. She is a mother to monsters. Her children are the ones who prey in the darkness of the night, of long forgotten places and in the nightmares of man. She can create any type of creature, whether small or large, with tusks or fangs, claws or hooves and imbue them with precious life. They are hers by right, she brought them into the world, and she can surely take them out. Her limitations are time, the smaller a creature is the quicker she can create it but the larger one is, the longer it will taker her. Such creatures can also turn on her rarely, or follow a different god entirely if influenced. She requires a dark place to work, away from the prying eyes of the sun. [/hider] [b]Stats[/b] [u][b]Mortal Affairs:[/b][/u] +4 [u][b]Influence:[/b][/u] +2 [u][b]Power:[/b][/u] +4 [b]Perks[/b] (( )) [b]RELATIONS[/b] [hider=(( ))] [/hider] [/hider]