Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan handed over their Lightsabers. Cri Craw took them she then pointed to the elevator. She walked behind them disabling the activation stud, just in case they tried to take them back by force. After deactivating them she hook them to her belt. On the elevator ride up she kept her guantlet and vambrace ready to strike. Once in the throne room the Jedi were allowed to approach only so far. Kri Craw objected to allowing Force sensitives in the same building much less the same room but the Queen insisted on meeting them face to face. The rest of the Royal Naboo Security Forces that served the Royal House of Naboo were in the room with their blaster rifles at the ready. Luckily she was able to convince Captain Panaka to bring in extra security. Kri Craw took position right behind the Jedi scum. She didn't care what they had to say.