[b][/b][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/K28V6aa.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmZmZmU5NC5RMjl1YzNSdmNHaHBiR1Z6LjAA/moodyrock.regular.png[/img] [@floodtalon], [@KoL][/center] As soon as the hangar bay doors closed with an echoing slam, the entire room was filled in a deafening silence. Constophiles stood silently while looking at the pile of artifacts, his gaze remaining a neutral look. Emotion seems to be completely absent from his look, or if anything it resembles a hint of displeasure and defeat. Yet as a long minute seem to have wasted away in the stale air, the advisor nods and raises his left hand towards his ear. [color=fff79a][b]"Commence incendiary process."[/b][/color] Constophiles orders passionlessly. As the mechanical guards prepared to set afire on these priceless artifacts, one of them issued several uncalled sparks, followed by glitching noises that wrecked through its system. Yet merely a few seconds later, the bot issues a burst of electrical disturbance that knocks out any exposed outlet in the system, rendering any electrical outlet in the room inoperable. Electrical equipment became disabled, the main lights extinguished, and any security camera looking into the room were completely fried as to where one can only see and hear the obnoxious fizzle of static. Even the holographic projectors seem to be glitching. What could've caused the mech to have malfunctioned like that? Yet Constophiles remains unfazed by the entire ordeal, almost as if he's expecting for this to happen. The entire bay was completely pitch black, as the nearby soldiers struggled to take off their helmets, which had been shut down by the EMP blast, while trying to get a feeling as to what was going on. Yet there is only one device that hasn't been affected by this disturbance, with the advisor taking out a remote from his pocket. He points it at the pile and presses the big red button on the upper-left side of the device. It proceeds to cast a blue light upon the pile, enclosing it in a transparent box, and within seconds it disappears with a thunderous boom. As the emergency lights cast their reddish hue over the facility, all it reveals was a black blast mark at where the artifacts once laid. It seems that it has been destroyed after all... Or did it? The pale man places the remote back in his pocket, signaling the soldiers to move out and evacuate the room with haste. As they entered the east gate opposite of where Henry came through, it can be seen that even the hallway was suffering the same malfunctions as the hangar bay. The advisor orders the men with a gesture to be dismissed as they tried to pretend that nothing happened. With that said, Constophiles calmly walks out of the hallway as soon as the power within this sector is restored. The advisor makes it to his private quarters before checking his equipment again. Looks like everything is back to normal. He takes out his holocom-link to contact the Director, but alas there was no response. He must be still in that little meeting of his. So Constophilies leaves a quick message instead. [color=fff79a][b]"Relic retrieval was successful, Director."[/b][/color] he says with some relief, [color=fff79a][b]"We have received a stunning amount of angelic material from our ex-demonic friend. You were right about his capabilities. Eos, as usual, tried to halt the exchange but alas I was able to create a fake diversion and shut off all security cameras in the hangar bay and in the nearby halls. Not even Henry would know of this event, as I waited briefly before doing anything. I'll personally make sure to wipe the cameras clean for safety... and this message will terminate itself as soon as you close it. But it's safe to say I've covered our tracks well. Operation: Maether may now commence on your mark, Director Karizawa."[/b][/color] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/I8LjCOW.png[/img] [@KoL][/center] Oh of course. How could she forget? After all, this is exactly why Hoho's issuing the contract in the first place. Granted Titanica didn't ask first for her help, let alone being quite reluctant to it, but she might as well explain to the alchemist what she seeks. She doesn't want this waste of time gathering materials to be for nothing. And contrary to Hoho's belief, Titanica knows exactly what she's looking for. [b][color=00aeef]"I smell something..."[/color][/b] she begins explaining as she proceeds to sit back on the bed, [b][color=00aeef]"Something I haven't sensed outside of my own residence in eons... I sense that I'm unintentionally taking part of an event out of my control. I smell..."[/color][/b] She pauses as she glares up at Hoho menacingly while thinking. [b][color=00aeef]"ME."[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef]"Someone... something... is trying to grab my attention using my scent pattern, for the better or worse, and yet I cannot place where it's coming from. I initially tracked it down to an abandoned foundry left by the Machina... where a recent battle took place. But by the time I arrived there it was gone... and after taking a plunge into the Oblivion Dungeon... I've lost the scent completely. However, I know that whatever it is, whatever is producing this familiar scent, it's still out there. I need to know what it is and where it currently resides..."[/color][/b] She remains silent as she look down at the ground, attempting to still figure out what's causing this scent, before turning her had back to the Alchemist. [b][color=00aeef]"Do YOU know anything about this?"[/color][/b]