[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/8aZkRO8.png[/img][/center] He has no mouth, yet he must eat. For Negative Man these weekly meetings are more discussion than lunch, prompting him to come prepared with more notes than your average Leaguer. His materials would include compilations of internal memos, government mandates, inventory checks, collateral damage bills, the local and international gossip columns regarding the League. All of this in an easy-to-read, proprietary file format that he sends out from the Monitor Room's communication node just before actual meeting itself. This week’s report in particular had a really glaring supply issue that he already had a prime suspect for. Though, he does wonder how many of them read these reports beforehand as he rode the elevator from the Monitor Room to the main lobby. Lunch on the mind was different from food for thought; he figured that he’d be looking forward to food too if he still actually had a stomach. Stepping out of the lift and walking towards the mess hall, he would see the exact familiar lack of face that he wanted to address. [color=1a7b30]“Ah, Question. Just the detective I was looking for. I’m gonna need your skills in trying to figure out this odd discrepancy in our kitchen inventory.”[/color] Negative Man would state in the most whimsical way his robotic voice encoder allowed, allowing a few moments to pass before continuing. [color=1a7b30]“For some reason, we seem to have a lot less sugar on hand than we’re suppose to... A lot less. Enough for this to be an issue that I’m raising at the meeting. Of course, who better than resident sugar enthusiast The Question to solve this case.”[/color] His voice would revert back to its baseline tone during the latter half of his statement, removing the whimsy and replacing it with the stoicism he usually spoke with. Negative Man would initiate his robot body’s smile gesture and leave it on for a moment before going ahead of Vic. Entering the meeting room, he would notice that others had already assembled before him. At least they’re punctual, he thought. Negative Man would then walk towards Champion and Lizard, wondering what was being cooked along with the others. [color=1a7b30]"Hmm. Might not actually be Question wasting sugar."[/color] He said out loud, with his analytical sensors not being able to determine what exactly this Nova Scotian cuisine was.